Chapter 9

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Girl is a Gun : Halsey 

This girl is a gun

Before you know it, it's done

And you'll be wishing that you crossed your fingers

Oh but God is it fun

When you can have more than one?

So lemme show you how to touch my trigger

TW: Abuse, death, murder, low self-esteem, mentions of suicide 

The mission went to shit. Complete and utter shit. It was a mess from when you stepped foot inside the base. It was like they knew you were coming. At first, it felt too easy minimal guards and no alarm. You should have seen all the signs that it was staged. That's not to say that you didn't do what you were supposed to do. Secure a sample then neutralize the rest.

You planned for an escape route like always but the super soldiers seem to love stopping you at this exact moment.

You and Rogers were on your way out when you were stopped by some of the HYDRA super soldiers. They started to attack full force and honestly neither of you had any more energy left but this was the job. So you fought your way through.

You were nearing the exit but Rogers was still left-back trying to fight off one of the soldiers. So you went back to help but nothing went your way and more soldiers came to stop you. You held your own but most of your weapons are gone and both of your ICERs are empty.

"I need a little help here, Barton," Steve yelled through the comms.

"I'm coming." You yell back

"Just shoot them a couple of times with the gun." There was a full gun beside you from one of the soldiers that you knocked unconscious. There it was right by you.

But you froze. It was mocking you. Unable to grab and shoot. You felt as if the walls were closing in and the ground was trying to you whole at the same time. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears before you realized that you were panicking.

You have never panicked on a mission before. You were always focused. It's not that you don't know how to shoot a gun or have trouble killing but ever since the incident you can't. You shook your head and instead ran up to the soldier. "I told you to shoot him."

"It wouldn't have done anything." This one was stronger than the rest. Harder to take down. Unfortunately, he tried to shoot Rogers but it just grazed him. It was still enough to render him immobile. It was now up to you. Grabbing Rogers' shield you hit the soldier on the head knocking him out with the rest.

You were bruised and battered but you weren't done yet. Turning around you saw the look in Rogers' eye. Not a dot of the light blue was left. This was the storm that rolled over the water and you knew it was going to cause casualties.

On your way back. Neither of you spoke a word to each other. Not when you helped him walk back to the jet or when you patched Rogers up. Not even halfway through the flight. You can feel the anger radiating out of him. You could just tell by the way his jaw clenched and arms crossed over his chest. You were just waiting for the lecture. Replaying the events of this whole mission. You knew it was your fault he got hurt. You messed up.

Bound to You - Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now