Chapter 2

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THE DAUNTLESS CAFETERIA was Storm's worst nightmare. Hundreds of people crowded the room, not a single space was empty. The noise of cutlery clinking overwhelmed her. The obnoxious voices that echoed in her ears did not help. Storm either wanted to curl up into a ball and die or kill every person in that room, she couldn't decide which.

Though Storm did know for certain that she hated the people who crowded around her. The loudmouth candor girl named Christina and her little abnegation sidekick sat the closest to her on her left. On the opposite side, a former erudite and an unknown boy Storm did not recognize resided. A couple of other people sat all the way at the other side of the table but they appeared to be dauntless born.

She could tell Four, who sat directly across from her, was not happy about his seating arrangement either.

Storm distantly heard the transfers' conversation, but she was too lost in her own world to hear the details. Her gaze remained locked on the plate of food in front of her. She wasn't hungry yet she still kept her hands wrapped tightly around her utensils. All Storm wanted right now was some alone time and the dauntless cafeteria certainly did not provide that.

She only turned her attention to her fellow initiates when she felt the abnegation girl nudge her shoulder gently. Storm wanted to scream; don't touch me you fucking bitch! But she had more self control than that.

"I asked you a question," the erudite boy stated like it was obvious.

Storm's head quirked to the side in annoyance. Did it look like she cared? She made no attempt to join their conversation so why did they insist on adding her to it.

When she said nothing the boy spoke up again, "you're from erudite right?"

Once again, no response.

"Are you deaf or something?" Christina scoffed, making the two boys chuckle lightly. The abnegation girl just remained quiet. Storm decided that the stiff was her favorite out of all of them.

It took every ounce of willpower Storm possessed not to jump the loud mouth candor right there and then.

None of the initiates took the hint and continued to badger the quiet girl.

"What's your name?"

"Why don't you speak? Have a problem with us or something?"

"I feel like I remember you from somewhere."

"Are you gonna eat that?" The irritating erudite pointed to her plain hamburger. Being mostly done with his food, he wanted to take advantage of the girl's quietness.

When she did not protest the erudite boy went for it.

As he stretched out his hand towards her plate of food she quickly decided that she was done with their bullshit. Before his hand could fully reach her plate a cold knife was plastered between his middle and pointer finger, dangerously close to nicking him. The entire table was frozen in shock, all unsure what to do next.

Storm's hand grasped the knife so tightly her knuckles turned white, even paler than her normal skin color. "Just because I don't waste my breath talking to people like you doesn't mean you can walk all over me."

The sound of her voice was a surprise to Four. Her deep and raspy voice did not match any girl he had ever met, but what it did match was the large diagonal scar across her face. She had moved the knife so swiftly that he blinked and totally missed it. One second she was frozen in place and the next she was threatening a fellow transfer with a knife. Four had to admit he was now intrigued in their previously boring conversation.

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