Chapter 3

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STORM HATED CANDOR. They were always up in everyone's business, never shutting up unless you socked them in the teeth. Though what really made her hate them was the 5'2 girl standing next to her. Storm thought that no one could be more annoying than Christina, but she was very wrong.

"Is Storm your real name?" The red-head asked from beside her as they ran. The initiates were doing their typical warmup around the Dauntless compound. They were forced to follow Four like a flock of birds until they all borderline passed out. After that, they moved on to exercises like pushups or situps. Then the punching bags followed and depending on the day they would either go to the shooting range or practice knife throwing.

Both of those activities made Storm angry. At knife throwing she was very good, hitting the center of the target almost every time. But shooting? She appeared to be almost as bad as Tris. What made her even further pissed off was that the red-headed girl from candor, who she forgot the name of, seemed better at it than her. And that made Storm want to off herself.

"Why do you refuse to talk? The last time I heard you open your mouth was to insult someone. We have been here around  a week and you still have yet to communicate with anyone," The candor continued. "I actually find you very interesting. I admire your focus, and all the other initiates make fun of me, so you are the only real person I can talk to."

"Will I still be interesting when I'm driving my fist through your skull?" Storm retorted before speeding up to escape from the girl. The redhead took the hint, for now, and chose not to push her luck any further.

Storm was at the front of the group, alongside Four and a few other initiates. She wanted to race forward but decided it was better to conserve her energy. She secretly prayed that when the fights began, her opponent would be the girl who could not shut up.

The next thing Storm's brain registered was her body tumbling to the ground. She was tripped. There was nothing in her path and she knew that. Someone behind her was playing an immensely dangerous game, and they were going to regret it.

Storm jumped to her feet and whipped her body around. She was met by the smirking face of Molly. Molly, the sidekick of Petter who has the IQ of a rock, because if she was smarter then she would have known not to mess with Storm. Even Peter knew not to cross the silent girl.

Storm roughly shoved her backward while yelling, "try it again bitch and you'll be throwing up blood."

Molly went flying to the ground and fell straight on her back with a small grunt of pain. She looked up at Storm with rage in her eyes, though she made no step to retaliate.

Before the situation could escalate further, Four made his way in between the two girls. He roughly placed his hand on Storm's shoulder, holding her in place. "Save it for the ring."

She instinctively backed away from him, repulsed by his touch. Storm did not take her eyes off of Molly. She continued to observe her as if she was a lion and Molly was the antelope.  In her mind, Storm was thinking of all the possible ways she could make Molly pay. She debated between psychological or physical torture.

How about both? A voice in her brain chirped.

Storm knew how twisted and dark her mind was, but she made no effort to fight off the cruel thoughts. This way of life was all she had ever known. Her childhood did not consist of warm hugs and parents wiping away your tears when you cry. Storm shivered at the thought of what her mother would do if she ever caught her crying.

Four's large body loomed over Molly, "Dauntless don't attack people when their back is turned. That's for cowards. Understand?"

Molly hesitantly stood up, but she did not nod. She avoided eye contact with the intimidating trainer in front of her. Hardly anyone dared to look Four in the eye, even Storm found it somewhat difficult.

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