Chapter Nine

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"I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all"

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IT WAS HARD TO IMAGINE a world where Tempest could finally rest, free from the chains of her anger and the grasp of revenge. She fought so hard just for the very little freedom she had left. The girl was a slave to her anger; it acted as the shackles that kept her bleeding wrists from ever properly healing. But to think, that her brother might have been alive this whole time under the control of Jeanine. It seemed impossible, yet something inside of her longed to find out maybe she wasn't left all alone. However, if her brother had been alive this whole time than there was no limit to the atrocities he had to face.

Responsibilty had rested on her shoulders since birth, hallowing and sharpening her features; turning her once blue eyes into a greyish color, like arctic water frozen over. The coldness ran through her bloodstream forcing her body into a constant state of fight of flight: always fighting to stay alive, to keep her brother safe. Yet in retrospect, she failed in every single way. Tempest could sprint to the ends of the earth, tip off the dark edge, and somehow she would still be stuck under the cruel thumb of her mother.

Her mother. Jeanine Matthews, a last name so distant to her it hardly felt like her own. They may not share blood, but it was as if staring into the mirror everytime she gazed into the woman's cold eyes. Tempest couldn't recall the amount of times she suffered at the hands of Jeanine. The bruises, the scars, the emotional wounds stapled together by a rusted pin. The cruelty of her life had become painfully predictable; so linear yet a continuous loop of suffering, every passing day ripping her apart at the seams.

"She's manipulating you into doing what she wants. It's a trap," Tobias stated as he watched the girl carefully pack her bag.

Tempest cocked the bullets into place, bringing it close to her face to examine the gun's scope. She slowly adjusted its settings. By now, she had begun to tune tobias out. He had been rambling for an hour, perhaps more, about just how much of an idiot she was to believe her mother. Did he truly think she didn't already know that? She didn't know many things about the woman she called mother, but her manipulation was a constant factor.

"Well if it is a trap, trust me the war will be over by midnight."

He crossed his arms; getting her to listen was like convincing a dog to drop a bone. "At least stay for a bit. We're going to meet up with the rest of the dauntless in candor."

"We?" Tempest tightened her grip on the weapon.

"Caleb went back to abnegation with Susan to help the refugees. Tris will come with us to candor."

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