Chapter 12

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TW: reference to SA. Please skip if you are triggered by this topic!

ERIC'S BOOT AGGRESSIVELY COLLIDED with Storm's ribs. Hot blood dripped down her forehead as she fought the tears behind her eyes. Every inch, every molecule, every atom of her body throbbed in agony. There was no escaping the man's abuse, and there was no one coming to save her. In an instant, she reverted back into the scared little girl from her past. Storm liked to think of herself as a strong, invincible being, but in that moment she realized how weak she truly was.

Never before had Storm ever let Eric see any kind of weakness, but now, as he mercilessly beat her, she couldn't help but realse small cries of pain.

Storm could have fought back, but she didn't. She knew better.

And just when Storm thought she was about to pass out, Eric stole that mercy from her. His psychotic laugh filled her body to the brim with fear. "You stupid fucking bitch. What did you tell him?!"

"N-nothing I swear!"

Another furious blow was delivered to her beaten body before Eric yanked her to her feet. His tight grip around her bicep added to the already existing bruises. Storm could not stand on her own, the excruciating pain was too much for her to handle. Instead she had to rely on her abuser's strength. His strong, cold hand took hold of her chin. "What. Did. You. Tell. Him?"

"I just," Storm spoke with exhaustion laced in her every word, "I had to talk to him. But not about that, I wouldn't. I was embarrassed because I t-tried to make a move on him during capture the flag."

The lie was the only thing she could think of in the moment. If she had to play the naive lovestruck girl to survive, she would do it without hesitation. The lie shattered every last bit of her pride, but hopefully it would keep her alive. "He was rejecting me. That's it. Nothing more."

She could tell by the mocking smirk on his face that he believed her. Eric slowly wiped the tears from her face. It was not in a nurturing way, not even close. The look in his eyes was one Storm had seen many times before.

"Oh Tempest," Eric's tone had changed from anger to subtly seductive. The use of her old name stung and ignited a greater sense of fear throughout her body. His hot breath fanned her face. Under his vile touch, she begun to shake. "You need a real man to take care of you."

Before the situation could escalate any further, the leader released his grip and she collapsed to the ground. Storm stifled her sobs; she would not let herself break in front of him. She had already shown enough weakness.

"Now I'm sure you know what tomorrow is," Eric began to circle her. It was visiting day, but what he was alluding to something far worse. "And I would hate for history to repeat itself. Maybe with someone else, perhaps Ember?"

Storm managed to push herself to her knees. The look on here face was deadly. "Touch her and I swear to fucking god I'll kill you."

Eric looked down at her with his head tilted in amusement. "I think you misunderstand me," he crouched to the ground to meet her eye level, "I wouldn't be the one hurting her. That's what I have you for. I mean, that's how it happened last time, isn't it?"

If Storm had any energy left, she would have tackled Eric and slit his throat right there and then. For now, all she could do was silently plot her revenge.

"I'll keep this little incident a secret from Max," he stood up with an aggitating simper. Storm would be foolish to think he was doing that out of the kindness of his heart; she knew he had an alterior motive but she wasn't exactly sure what. "but only if you continue to cooperate with my every command."

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