Chapter 25

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"You got mud on your face, you big disgrace. Somebody better put you back into your place."

"YOUR FINAL TEST IS COMING SOON," Jeanine calmly sat back in the leader's chair. She watched her daughter with a chilling stare, examining for any sign of weakness she could exploit. "I see you have fallen to second place."

Max and Eric stood to the side like the woman's lap dogs. This was their office, yet the moment Jeanine stepped into the room she took over the entire thing. That was one thing Storm always admired about her mother; she could easily have men eating out of the palm of her hand.

"I will be back on top," Storm crossed her arms with slight offense. If there was anything she took seriously, it was winning. Tris was good, she'll give her that. But Storm was better. "I will not let a tiny abnegation girl beat me."

"For your sake, I hope so Tempest," Jeanine leaned forward. A distasteful look crossed her features. She would not let her daughter be second best in a mission she was designed for. That would be a total disgrace. "Would you care to explain why your rank has fallen?"

Storm needed to answer this question very carefully: she was unsure what kind of response her mother wanted, but she tried her best.

"Well , I have been focusing on my actual mission, mother. Searching for divergents is what you want, right? If you would rather have me shift all my attention to a meaningless rank I will gladly do so," Storm countered. Her intent was malicious, but she was smart enough to keep her tone sweet.

"Watch yourself. We are your superiors," Max harshly interrupted.

Storm clenched her jaw. She found it funny how both Max and Eric expected to have a place in power after her mother's plan was complete. She knew every dark secret her mother held. And she certainly knew that Jeanine was not one to share power. The clever woman was using them, and they were too dumb to see it.

Jeanine lifted her hand to keep the man from speaking anymore. "Now boys, she's right. So why don't you tell us, have you made any progress in your mission?"

Storm tried to resist her mother's evil stare, to build up some willpower in hopes she would possibly stand up to the woman. But she couldn't do that as long as she craved her love.

Lying was the next best option.

"I've befriended Four. He trusts me," Storm informed the trio. Of course she wasn't selling him out, but she had to give them something. Something to keep her mother satisfied. "He's given me information about the initiates' fear simulations. And there is only one possible divergent in the transfers."


"At first I thought it was Tris prior, but I watched her simulation. She doesn't do anything that points to divergence. Her fast times are just due to her lack of fears–"

"Get to the point," Eric snapped.

Storm fought back the smirk that dared to plague her features. "It's Peter. Of course to be completely sure I'll need to observe him during the invasion."

"Could Four be lying to you? He and Tris are from the same faction, maybe he's covering for her," Max delivered his input.

"I would be able to tell if he's lying," Storm scoffed. "Besides, I saw the footage with my own eyes."

Eric turned to Jeanine, disbelief present in his eyes. "There is no–"

"Are you doubting my skills, sir?" Storm harshly cut him off. She knew exactly how to play her cards to get her mother on her side. "Because if you doubt my training, you are also doubting my mother. Now I would hate to think that you aren't 100 percent faithful in my mothers abilities."

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