Chapter 27

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"Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever?"

STORM ENDED UP SCAVENGING through Tobias's fridge in the middle of the night. Her short nap only lasted about twenty minutes before she got up to puke. Once that passed, Storm's stomach felt incredibly empty. So while Tobias showered, she decided to raid his kitchen. His pantry and fridge were annoyingly empty, only a small amount of chips and fruit found in each. Storm eventually settled on an apple once she realized how little of options she had.

"Lazy fuck probably never cooks," Storm mumbled to herself as she chewed on the red apple. Back in erudite, she was forced to cook every meal so she was quite familiar with the kitchen.

She sat, legs crossed on his metal counter, without a care in the world. She still wasn't sober, but the worst of it had passed. Storm hummed to herself as her eyes grazed across his apartment. This was only her second time being here, but she could tell not a single thing had changed. Tobias was scarily clean, almost obsessively. Nothing had moved an inch since she last saw it.

"What are you doing?"

Storm instinctively jumped to her feet, the apple still lodged between her teeth. Her hands moved to a fighting position as she turned the counter to face Tobias. She knew it was him, but even tipsy she couldn't escape her survival instinct.

"Wow," Tobias smirked, "very intimidating."

The gray-eyed girl took the apple out of her mouth and launched it at his head. Tobias managed to dodge it at the last second. "Asshole. Why are you always lurking in the dark?"

"Well I thought you would be sleeping by now but apparently you're very hungry."

Storm could hardly focus on his words because the only thing that registered in her brain was the fact that he was shirtless. Even in the dark, she could see the water droplets that trickled down his chest onto his defined abs. A towel was delicately wrapped around his v-line, almost like he was purposefully teasing her. Storm knew she was staring, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Tobias took small steps toward her, the smirk growing wider with each movement. He snapped his fingers at her. "You're staring."

"And you expect me not to? You prance out here practically naked with that stupid smirk. What am I supposed to do? Shield my fucking eyes," The girl shrugged without shame. She stepped off the counter. Storm took a step towards him, so close she could smell his sandalwood shampoo. "You did that on purpose."

"I thought you were sleeping," Tobias countered.

Storm rolled her eyes and strutted past him. She headed into his bedroom. "Excuses excuses. By the way, can I steal one of your shirts? This one reeks of blood and vodka."

"Yeah I guess–"

She didn't give him any time to protest, the girl had already started stripping. Under normal circumstances, a sober Storm would never dream of doing this. She would rather put a bullet in her skull. But drunk Storm? That girl had no limits.

Storm slowly peeled off her dirty shirt and carelessly threw it to the ground. Next to come off were her leggings, leaving her in only a bra and underwear. She took her precious time tracing her fingers along the hanged shirts before settling for a dark blue one.

Tobias's brain had started to malfunction once she took her clothes off. The stiff side of him was telling him to look away, but he couldn't find the nerve to take his eyes off her. He leaned against the door frame, taking in the sight before him.

The Other Side of the War  (Tobias Eaton X OC)Where stories live. Discover now