Chapter 23

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"So, Free me. Oh Free me, from this pain I've been running from."

THE FEAR LANDSCAPE ROOM WAS EVEN MORE TERRIFYING in the middle of the night. To Storm, this time stepping into the dark abyss felt less like a prison and more like walking through the gates of hell. Shivers spread throughout her body, and her only relief being the man behind her who turned on the lights. She felt foolish for being so scared.

"I don't think I can go through my fears right now," Storm swallowed an anxious breath. She had just woken up from a nightmare only an hour before her late night rendezvous.

"We aren't going through yours," Four corrected her as he carried a black box.

Storm carefully traced her hands across the metal chair she had become very familiar with over the past couple weeks. They had already gone through Lauren's fear landscape. "Then who's?"

"Mine." He took out the needle filled with serum. "The program is set to go through my fear landscape. The serum will in turn connect you with the program."

"I didn't even know you could do that," Storm spoke honestly. Her voice was full of hesitation and unspoken thoughts. "You would let me see your fears?"

Four met her confused eyes. He motioned for Storm to tilt her head. Gently, the man injected the serum into her neck. "I trust you."

"A fatal mistake," Storm joked as he handed her the second needle. Her eyes narrowed, trying to figure out where to place the shot.

"Plus, there are a few things I want to show you," Four kept his dark eyes trained on the girl in front of him. He carefully observed her every move; she was nervous, that was apparent through her shaking hands. Four lifted two fingers and touched a spot on his neck. "Right here."

"I don't want to hurt you." Storm admitted quietly to herself, but Four managed to hear her due to their close proximity. A small smile spread across his face.

The dark-haired girl inserted the needle while biting her lip in concentration. Four's eyes never left her; when she was done, he took the needle from her and placed it back into the box.

Dropping the box to the ground, Four offered his open hand to Storm. She paused for a small moment; a debate flew around in her mind, trying to decide whether to accept the kind gesture or not. With slight hesitation, Storm intertwined her fingers with his.

Four led her deeper into the room as the simulation took over. Storm closed her eyes to savor the sweet moment, but when she opened them again light from all angles poured into her sight.

Storm observed the blue-sky city with amazement, not even noticing the creaking metal bar she narrowly stood on. The rough wind caused Four to remove his hand from hers. He swiftly wrapped his arm around her shoulder to stabilize himself. Fear took control of his body and Storm felt it through his death-defying grip. His heavy pants echoed in her ear.

"Do we jump? It's not real so it won't hurt us" Storm yelled over the wind.

"No," He shook his head while trying to control his shaking body, "that's what a divergent would do. We have to run across and jump into the building through the window. It's the only way to get to safety."

"I'll follow after you," Storm let go of him.

Four didn't make any move to argue; all he wanted to do was to escape the 400 feet drop beneath him. Once he began to run, Storm followed his every footstep. After they made it to safety, their latch onto one another returned as the next landscape came into frame.

Storm was violently pushed against the man's chest as the room shrank. Metal walls formed around them, each one slowly getting more narrow. "Well fuck. Two people with claustrophobia. I have a feeling this won't end well."

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