Chapter 29

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"If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, we stick together and can see it through"

THE TEQUILA SENT A FIRE through Four's body. He pridefully slammed the shot onto the table; that was number six. Four was feeling rather jubilant, alcohol seemed to have that effect on him. His head bounced to the beat of the club music as he wrapped his arms around Shauna and Zeke.

"You enjoying yourself?" Shauna laughed at Four's rare affectionate gesture. He was far more wasted than her and Zeke combined. It was unusual for him to get so drunk, but it was clear that something was bothering him. And rather than dealing with it like a grown-up, he decided to drink the thoughts away.

"Very much so," his slurred words confirmed.

"He would be happier if his girlfriend was here," Zeke teased.

Four rolled his eyes. "I'm very capable of having fun without her."

Shauna smiled as he didn't bother to deny that Storm was his girlfriend. Shauna had heard the stories about the brutal girl, and it was hard for her to imagine the two as a good pair; but he seemed to make Four happy, and that's all that mattered.

"But you'd have more fun if she was here," Zeke corrected him.

That is true, Four decided in the moment. No matter how many bad things he learned about Storm, he couldn't help but care for her. He wanted to be around her at all times. It was like she was a part of him now, as if their souls were intertwined and their heart beats in sync.

A smile graced his lips as he thought about the initiate. 

Four smiled from time to time, it wasn't like he was against smiling or anything, and when it happens it's rather charming; but the smile never goes beyond the moment, or quite reaches his eyes. It's hard to tell, but if you look deep enough, you'll see the high invisible wall surrounding him, holding people at arm's length. Yet that was not the case when he was with Storm. She was different; one look from her caused every brick of that wall to instantly collapse.

"You should invite her to hangout with us one time," Shauna offered with a kind smile.

Four shrugged, contemplating the offer. "She's not the friendliest person in the world."

"That's an understatement," Zeke snorted as he turned to Shauna, "but I mean if my annoying ass little brother can find a friend in her maybe we can too."

"Where do you think she is?"

"Who knows. Probably beating someone up."


STORM FELT THE MAN'S NOSE CRACK beneath her bloody knuckles. He went down without another fight and his weak body collapsed; the pure strength the initiate possessed was no match for anyone, she was impossible to beat. 

The sound of drunk laughs and cheers boomed throughout the entire pit. One of them being Uriah, with a bright smile on his face as his stomach cramped from laughter. The crowd circled around Storm and the crumbled man with hungry looks on their faces. The designated ref, AKA Uriah, ran forward. He grabbed Storm's wrist and threw it into the air. "Winner!"

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