Chapter 26

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 "I've learned love is like a brick, you can build a house or sink a dead body."

STORM FORGOT TO READ THE NOTE. Between beating up Eric, which ended up triggering some unwanted memories, and the vodka she was currently chugging, the note Tobias gave to her slipped her mind.

The abnegation invasion was coming soon, and Storm hadn't even begun to think about what she was going to do. So instead, she drowned herself in her sorrows, hopeful that the alcohol would make her forget everything. Or kill her. Either was good.

Getting alcohol in Dauntless while underage was rather easy. A few well placed threats and a giant bottle of vodka was kindly delivered to Storm's hands without a fight. To hide from the world, she made her way to the same dark corner where she almost murdered Eric. Every now and then someone would pass the hall, but they always ended up minding their business.

Storm was half way through the bottle, her vision starting to distort. The sting of the vodka felt like candy to her stomach, somewhat sickening but delicious nonetheless. She found herself stuck between wanting to drink more, or to just fall asleep in the corner.

The dark-haired girl felt like she was trapped between two lives. Her arms were being pulled in opposite directions, with both sides undoubtedly ending in pain. She knew she could never truly be with Tobias, not as long as Jeanine was alive. Storm could run from her past all she wanted, but there was absolutely nothing she could do to escape her destiny. She just wasn't sure what her fate was yet.

Storm traced her fingers along the cold floor. She used to do this in her own basement to distract herself from the horrors that occurred there. The feeling of smooth, cold stone was soothing to her senses. A wave of nostalgia hit her body, her mind now traveling to a different place. The ghosts of Storm's past danced gracefully across her head, with each small movement bringing about a conflicted emotion. Her childhood was like the weather, sometimes catastrophic and deadly, but other times it was like a warm sunny day in the middle of winter: lovely for a short period of time, but it eventually returned to its dark nature.

Storm silently hummed to herself. She rarely sang because she was so awful at it, but something about drunk singing in the dark was appealing in the moment.

"Can I join you?" A cheerful voice called out to her near the end of the hallway, interrupting her thoughts. Storm couldn't see his features, but she knew it was Uriah. He had this lively aura that surrounded him, and she could always tell when he was around because it was the complete opposite to hers.

Storm didn't respond to his question, but she didn't object either. And Uriah took that as an invitation to sit down.

"Care for a drink?" Storm eventually broke the silence. She sloppily handed him the vodka, spilling a small amount on herself. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to have a friend with her.

Uriah grabbed the bottle with a sarcastic smile. "You thought I was here for you? Nah I smelled the alcohol from the otherside of Dauntless."

The dark haired girl slapped his shoulder as he took a sip of the drink. Storm glared at him so sharply he could see it through the darkness. "Not in the mood for your shitty jokes."

"Woah woah woah," Uriah protested before gulping down some more alcohol. "My jokes are not shitty."

"Keep telling yourself that."

"Why are you always grouchy? You even have alcohol in your system and you still manage to insult me," the boy nudged her. In all honesty, Uriah was amused by her attitude; but that wasn't much of a compliment, he truly liked everything about her.

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