Chapter 7

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STORM FELT THE RUMBLING OF THE TRAIN surge through her body. It annoyingly pounded in her head. The one thing she needed in that moment was some peace and quiet, but that was a rare occurrence in dauntless.

She sat in the corner of the train, her eyes tightly shut closed and her legs pressed against her chest. Storm knew she couldn't afford another mistake, but her mind desperately needed a break. Her hours of sleep barely made it to 3 on most nights. She felt like a shattered piece of glass that was being held together by one singular piece of tape.

"You look worse than I do," an irritating high pitched voice whispered in her ear.

Storm slowly opened her eyes and turned to the girl she had thought she had gotten rid of. "Is this the ghost of Ember haunting me because I swear I killed her."

"Funny. You should become a comedian," the redhead retorted without missing a beat. Most of her face was black and blue; but in Storm's opinion, it only helped her meek appearance. She looked tougher now, like she could really make it in dauntless.

"Why don't you go talk to someone who actually wants to be your friend," Storm sighed as she closed her eyes again.

"Would it seriously kill you to be nice for once? I'm the only person on this entire train that wastes my time on you. You're not as tough and scary as you think. This may come as a shock to you but I actually fucking like u. You can deny it all you want but I see through your bitchy facade. I know how lonely you are. '' Ember finally let out all of the emotions she had been holding onto since the first time she met Storm. "I'm so sick of your sh–"



Storm was silent for a moment before smirking. "I think you should lower your voice because this entire train is listening to your love confession."

Ember turned her head to look at the group of initiates. When she made eye contact with them they attempted to make it look as if they weren't listening the entire time. Even Four was slightly tuned into their conversation. She wanted to scream her head off, but she settled on maturely turning back around.

"If I could throw you out of this train I would," she harshly whispered to Storm.

"Well then it's a good thing you don't have enough muscle for that," Storm mumbled back.

After 5 minutes all the initiates had returned to their own conversations while Storm and Ember sat in silence. Neither of them had any desire to be on this field trip. Storm's arm stung an unimaginable amount and Ember's face was overcome with agony every time she tried to smile. Both their bodies ached the point where they could barely move without pain.

Taking a chance, Ember slowly lowered the side of her head onto Storm's shoulder. The girl's body immediately tensed in discomfort. Storm was not familiar with any form of affection. She wasn't sure how to proceed or respond. Is this normal?

"I forgive you by the way, for beating me to a pulp," Ember sighed as her eyes shuttered close. "You can make it up to me on my birthday."

"I didn't ask for forgiveness," Storm's icy voice replied but the girl leaning on her had already fallen asleep by then.  She took a deep breath and finally let her body relax. She wasn't sure why she was allowing this. Maybe it was because Ember was the only person to ever treat her with kindness.

Storm eyes met Four's. He couldn't help but let the shock take over his face. His mouth opened slightly like he wanted to say something, but could not find the proper words. Storm forced herself to turn away from his gaze. She couldn't look at him without being filled with embarrassment, resentment, and disgust. She wanted to erase the last couple of days from his memory. Four had seen her at her weakest and that made her hate him.

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