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"You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
Never ever thought I'd see it break
Never thought I'd see it"

TEMPEST HAD FINALLY GIVEN EMBER a proper funeral. It took place in amity, where she was hiding out for now, and it was quite beautiful. She had spent hours upon hours planning out every last detail. It had to be perfect. And it was.

The dark-haired girl never thought she would have to live without Ember, it just wasn't a possibility in her head. The girl was the light of her life, the one thing that kept her fighting. It was all for her. Everything was.

She so desperately wanted to believe that this was all just a nightmare; that Ember didn't die in her arms, that she was able to save her. Tempest latched onto the belief that maybe she wasn't truly dead. She refused to confront reality; even after she had seen the redhead's body plastered all over the dauntless cameras.

So every night, Tempest laid outside next to the headstone of her best friend. It didn't matter if it was pouring rain, thundering, or 90 degrees. She laid next to the large bouquets of flowers with only the tiniest blanket. She told her endless stories, the kind you would tell to a little child, full of fantastical dragons and true love. The kind where everyone got their happily ever after, where no one died and all was perfect. That was the ending Tempest craved for her and Ember.

For the rest of her lonely life, Tempest would mourn the fiery red head. She would mourn her for longer than she had known her, but those three months felt like decades. She wished they were decades.

As she fell asleep in the tall grass every night, she silently prayed that when she woke up the next morning, Ember would be lying by her side with a smile on her face. But she never was. Each morning, without falter, Tempest was forced to swallow the pain and leave the headstone behind for the day.

She didn't know what was worse: the pain of what happened or the ache of what never will.

With each passing day, the depressed girl had begun to isolate herself more and more. She rarely spoke to Tobias. Some nights he would lay beside her and just hold her until her sobs quieted down, but now she refused to even let him touch her. Tempest spent all of her time alone, drowning in her dangerous thoughts.

At night she was plagued by the screams of Ember, but during the day all she could hear was the wretched voice of her mother, mocking her: How does it feel dear, losing the best thing that ever happened to you?

The amity were of no help, all their positivity made her want to puke, and after two weeks of staying with them Tempest couldn't take it any longer.


THE NIGHT WAS WARM, with not a single cloud in the sky blocking the sparking stars. Tempest's hair blew in the slight wind that carried the scent of delicious food. It was dinner time; she had briefly seen Tris and Tobias at a table eating together. The latter had made a move to go after her, but was stopped. It was probably for the best, she didn't need him to witness what she was about to do.

Like always, she sat in front of Ember's headstone. Something felt different. She wasn't sad anymore; the depression had ceased and all that was left was pure anger. She couldn't bear to look at the words "in loving memory" any longer.

"It should have been me," Tempest whispered to the headstone. She gently laid down one final flower, "and I'm so sorry. I thought we would have more time. I thought by letting you go I was keeping you safe."

She stared into the dark night, looking up at the stars every now and then. For the last time, she waited. Tempest didn't know what for, whether it was her hope that Tobias would come out and stop her, or the undying wish that Ember would magically resuscitate from her grave. Though it didn't matter. There was no going back now.

"Please forgive me, for everything I've done," Tempest let a singular tear drop, "and for everything I'm about to do."

Tempest stood up slowly, desperately latching onto the large duffle bag she carried. It weighed on her barely recovered shoulder, but it was a comforting pain. At least now she was finally going to do something to avenge the redhead's death. The amount of weapons in her bag was going to make sure of that.

"No mercy." She repeated, and Tempest swore she could hear Ember's voice. She forcefully placed the metal mask onto her face.

Tempest looked back towards the amity camp. Her eyes glistened over with unspilled tears. Tempest knew one thing for sure: Tobias was never going to forgive her. But she didn't need or want forgiveness. The only thing keeping her going now was revenge. He could hate her all he wanted, maybe that would make things easier.

Without a single goodbye the girl disappeared into the night, leaving no trace of her ever being there.

It wasn't until the next morning when Tobias went to wake her up did he realize she was gone. He turned the entirety of amity upside down looking for the girl he loved, but he was never going to find her; not unless she allowed it. The man had never sobbed so much in his entire life.

She was gone.

She left him, without saying a single word.

It took about a week for Tobias to get word of her survival. But what was left of her wasn't the girl he loved. He heard about massacre after massacre on the news, close to around 100 already dead; her scarred face was plastered everywhere with the words "wanted dead or alive".

Despite it all, he prayed every night that she wouldn't be caught, because he still had hope.

But his hope was so dangerously misplaced.

Storm was dead, and only the ruins of Tempest Matthews remained. She had returned to what she did best: killing.

And she would kill anyone who got in her way of revenge, even Tobias.

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The Other Side of the War  (Tobias Eaton X OC)Where stories live. Discover now