Chapter Four

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"How could you hurt a little kid?

I can't forget, I can't forgive you

'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me"

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Three Years ago


WHENEVER THEY FOUGHT, Drake would force his sister into a room alone with him. He locked the door behind him, shoved the key in his pocket, and stared at her until she broke. Tempest never did well in silence; it allowed the thoughts to boil over into the madness of her head, a pool she often found herself drowning in. But Drake was always there to rescue her, and so he did. Everytime.

This incident was no different. Drake's dark eyes melted with hers, a message of emotion passing between the two twins. It was never fair; she couldn't stay quiet when it came to him. She told him everything, even if she didn't always want to.

"What did I do this time?" He sighed with defeat.

Tempest shook her head. That was his mistake: nothing was ever his fault, yet he always believed it so. "Nothing. Mother just punished me again."

Though it wasn't just that. By now she was used to the pain, the lashes or cuts she received in retaliation. Her tears had completely dried up over the years; while she was once an uncontrollable ball of emotions, lately she seldom let a single emotion grace her expressions. Punishments were bearable, but the threats not so much. Especially when they involved Drake.

Drake looked at her with sadness in his young face. "Do you need me to clean them?"

"If you could," her voice was barely audible. Even the slightest movement brought her an excruciating sting.

"Lay on the bed," the boy nodded with a small smile. He pushed himself off the bed and walked to the bathroom where he kept all the supplies. Late at night, she always crawled into his room to ask for help. It was tradition at this point.

Tempest carefully took her sweatshirt off, leaving only a bloody tank top. She hesitantly climbed off the floor and onto the bed, laying on her stomach. She sighed into the lavender smelling sheets. His room always smelled beautiful; whether it was jasmine, lavender, rose, etc. He told her it was just because he liked the scents, but she knew the real reason. Last year he did a school project on mental wellness. More specifically how to calm the mind. And he read that those smells helped relax and subdued anxiety. Ever since then, the scents always lingered in his room just for when his sister needed help. Drake was kind like that, a kindness she never deserved.

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