Chapter 34

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"The capillaries in my eyes are bursting, if our love died would that be the worst thing? For somebody that I thought was my savior, you sure make me do a whole lot of labor"

NO ONE EVER UNDERSTOOD THE ATROCITIES OF Tempest Matthews. Not even Jeanine. The woman didn't see the aftermath of her kills: the blood that covered the streets or the screams of the loved ones so purposely left over. Nor did Jeanine see the smile on Tempest's face as she murdered innocent men, women, and children. That was a secret Tempest would take to her grave.

For a long time Tempest was ashamed of her cruelty, the way she took pleasure in others' pain. She tried to fight it off, but it was a disease that infected every last inch of her body. She couldn't hide from that side of herself anymore. Tempest had tried to convince herself that she was something she could never be, not in a million years, especially not after the death of Ember.

As she stood in the dauntless control room, her hands chained together and a collar locking her neck in place, all Tempest could think about was how she was going to murder every last person responsible for Ember's death. She couldn't decide whether Eric or Jeanine would be saved for last; all that she knew was they were both going to die painfully slow, and she would keep them alive however long it took to replace the hole in her heart.

Tempest had tried to play the hero, but now it was finally time to accept that she was a villain just like her wretched mother.

Jeanine stared at her daughter with a look in her eye that the young girl couldn't identify. She watched the blood stained soldier, dried liquid drenching her from head to toe. It was a shame how her daughter turned out, but the erudite leader was no fool. Tempest seemed to underestimate the genius of her mother. "I am truly sorry for the way Ember died. She was a good person. She should have been given a quick and clean death."

"You're not sorry," Tempest laughed humorlessly. "But trust me, you will be."

"Oh please let's not bother with empty threats," Jeanine turned away from her daughter to check the monitor.

"Empty? The only thing that's going to be fucking empty is your body when I drain your blood and feed you to the–"

"Now now, that's no way to talk to your mother"

"Jeanine you are many things but a mother is not one of them. You're just a fucking bitch," Tempest spat.

The woman whipped herself around to face the girl she had created. Or rather, the monster she had created. For the first time Jeanine was truly seeing what she had done to the young girl. Her gray eyes were hardened with burning hatred, one that chilled her to her very bones.

"But you know, I am quite glad people now know that you're the monster that raised me" Tempest let a sickening smile sneak its way onto her features.

"And why is that?" Jeanine stalked towards the prisoner, her guards following her.

"Because Erudite and Dauntless will know who to blame when I slaughter their families in the middle of the night, destroying everything they hold dear. I will burn every last leader's house to the ground, and bomb every public building until there are none left standing," Tempest took small but daunting steps forward. "They will hate you so much they may just kill you for me, and when your death finally comes I'll feed your ashes to whatever loyalists you have left."

"Hm. An interesting theory you have there. It's a shame we won't get to see it play out."

"Oh we'll see about that."

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