Chapter 8

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WHEN FOUR CALLED OUT STORM'S NAME FIRST she almost vomited up her dinner onto his shoes. She counted on Eric to pick her before anyone else, but of course the asshole chose Edward.

Even before Four noticed her change of behavior, he had always planned to pick her first. He brushed off the way his stomach twisted whenever he looked at the girl with the scar. He didn't like her, in any way.  Four just felt the need to watch her every move, and he convinced himself that that was a totally normal thing to do.

Storm refused to look at the trainer. Pure anger radiated off of her and everyone in the train could see it. The bomb inside of her was reaching its explosion point. And if that bomb went off it would disintegrate every last ounce of good in her and only the killer inside would remain.

Name after name fell off of Four's lips until there was no one left. Storm took note of the weak members on her team: Ember, Tris, Christina, Will, Drew, Uriah, and Marlene. She didn't know them well enough to hate them but she certainly disliked them. While Eric's team was filled up with the stronger fighters.

It was two different tactics. Muscle vs Brain. Leader vs Trainer. Rival vs Rival. It was stupid. The so-called guns they were given weren't even real.

"I could be sleeping right now," Storm mumbled to herself. Ember stood beside her with a large gun tightly in her hands. After a few weeks in dauntless, the redhead was still nervous around weapons. Though her fighting skills had greatly improved. (She can thank Storm for that).

Once team Four jumped off the train they headed straight for the navy pier. Storm remained in the back of the group while Ember went up to talk to Tris. Storm hadn't bothered to notice the friendship between Tris and Ember before. She couldn't help the distaste bubbling in her stomach. Ember was the only person she talked to in Dauntless. She hated to admit it, but without her it was lonely.

"The other team will pick their spot in 10 minutes," Four's voice snapped her out of her thoughts, "I suggest you take this time to formulate a strategy. We may not be Erudite, but mental preparedness is one aspect of Dauntless training. Arguably, it's the most important aspect."

Storm almost laughed. Eric's brain would explode if he heard Four say that. But Storm wasn't sure if the leader even had a brain.

"Some people should stay here and guard, some people should go out and scout the other team's location."

And that's when all hell broke loose. The dauntless born were too prideful and the others too stupid. Storm was losing brain cells just listening to them.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Tris slowly back up away from the group. The girl's eyes were filled with curiosity and determination. There was no doubt in the world that she needed to prove herself tonight. If she did poorly with this task, Storm knew she would be sent home.

The next person she saw move was Ember, and of course she was following Tris. Annoyance prickled at Storm's skin and she decided that she needed some time to breathe.

She anxiously made her way away from the group and toward an abandoned building she had previously spotted. Storm hoped that if she was stealthy enough Four wouldn't be able to follow after her. He had a habit of interfering with her plans and it was starting to get irritating. Though her wishes were quickly diminished.

A firm hand grasped her shoulder. Storm clenched her jaw before swinging around, whacking the fake gun into the side of his head. She gave Four no time to recover before shooting him directly on the knee cap. He fell back against the brick wall.

Storm smirked as he grunted loudly in pain. "What don't you understand about mind your fucking business?"

An angry look crossed the trainer's features as he ripped the dart out of his knee. In return, he delivered a shot to her thigh. "You're a bitch."

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