Chapter 33

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TW: This chapter is very brutal and gory, which may me triggering for some. Also, apologies in advanced for what's about to happen :( don't hate me too much.

"Death doesn't discriminate, between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes."

THERE IS AN ILLUSION. One that many are not able to see. One that tells the world that in war, there are winners and there are losers; one side triumphant, the other buried in the depths of hell. But war is something that has no end. It's an infinite loop of destruction, that even the surviving society will never escape as the hatred will eat them from the inside out.

War has never been about winning, and it never will be. Those who control the pen of history are the ones who take it, the dead are the stepping stones and the living are nothing but whispers of what there once was. Because the object of war was never about dying for your country, or even yourself, it was always about making the other die for theirs. It was always about ending life, to the point where there will be no lives left to end.

Storm understood that; she had dedicated her entire life to the killing of others. There was no stopping war, and there certainly was no ending it. All she could do was take part of it, to fight for herself.

An unimaginable, heavyweight forced Storm to her knees, locking her body in place. Hot blood dripped down her face from a gash that was placed there by the back of a gun . At least five mindless drones restrained her. One even grasped his large hands around her neck, forcing her to keep her eyes on the man in front of her. The mask that covered her features had been ripped off and her hood torn down. She was totally and utterly exposed.

Before Storm, five people wearing abnegation robes were kneeling. They were being forced to stay in one position similar to her, but they had Eric behind them; Eric, twirling his gun around like it was a piece of delicious candy. He looked like a psychotic maniac, one that was just about to go on a killing spree.

When Storm finally managed to focus her vision, a strangled grunt left her lips immediately.

It was not just any abnegation member in front of her. No. It was clearly a family, about four of them shared the same dark skin and facial features. But there was one who stood out. One with red hair and freckles that she would recognize anywhere.

So this is where Ember had gone after leaving dauntless. She was taking refuge and living with an abnegation family. A stupid, stupid mistake. At least if she had stayed with the factionless they were less likely to find her.

Tears flowed freely down their faces, all except for Ember. She clenched her jaw, furrowed her eyebrows. Storm would recognize that look anywhere. It wasn't sadness in her expression. It was anger; pure and wrathful. It was almost like Storm was looking into a mirror. The sweet Ember she had known was not the one kneeling in front of her. This girl was full of hate, her eyes burning for revenge.

They were the eyes of someone who had just watched innocent people die, who just witnessed the realities of war for the first time.

But Storm, in contrast to the redhead in front of her, finally allowed herself to break down. Tears poured out of her eyes the moment she saw Ember; because she knew what this meant. The two had switched places: one full of hate, the other sad and broken.

"Well this is a sweet reunion, isn't it?" Eric paced back and forth, a smug smile on his lips. "You know I was expecting this to be a pretty boring invasion. Killing a couple divergents maybe, but nothing truly interesting."

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