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3rd Person's POV:

'Do me a favor. Pretend to be my girlfriend for three months and that's it. I'll let you go. No hard feelings.' He said while he looked at Y/n with his two eyes.

'W-what? *chuckles nervously* why tho?' Y/n asks, still don't understand the situation that They have here. An awkward conversation with him Joking like that, is not a joke that Y/n into.

'S-stop joking *chuckles nervously*' Y/n replied.

'Hmm. So you think i'm joking? I'm serious. Have a date with me for 3 months just pretend to be my girlfriend for 3 months and That's it.' He said with a serious tone that made Y/n really think that he's not Joking or anything.

'You just said it's a date, why three months? A date should be just a day.' Y/n replied.

'Hmm? Just pretend to be my girlfriend for three months. That's not that hard right?'

He said

'Oh.. Okay.'  Y/n replied.

'From now on you're my fake girlfriend for three months.'

He was about to leave.

'Oh. Yeah.. By the way. If one of us fall in love to their fake date. It's up to you if you confess or not. I don't want to force you.' He said.

'But, I think you're the first one to fall for me tho.' He mumbled.


Who will be the first one to fall?

Is it Rindou or Y/n??

[End of the Prolouge]

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