Chapter 24

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•Dinner date•

Y/n's pov:

It was three days after, when Takemitchi got back from the Past.



'I just came back from the past and I think It'll be possible to go back to past again, My new trigger was Mikey-kun...'



[End of the Flashbacks]


I bet he succeeded saving me. I guess this is the new future..

*ring ring*

I quickly answer the phone call that I got from someone.

By the way I'm inside my car right now.

'What is it?' I asked with a frown 'Yahoo! Princess, where are you right now?' This jerk called me to annoy me again....

'What do you want, rindou!?' I asked with a quite attitude tone, but he just laughs like it was nothing 'Let's hang out. Want to do it today? You promised didn't yah?' He said, chuckling.


'What was that? Are you.... YOU WERE IN A MISSION AND YOU'RE CALLING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?' I shouted at him through call.

He just chuckled 'O-ouch... It's fine really.' He said.

'No it's not, I'm hanging up.' I quickly hang up on him.

'Ha... He seriously giving me headache. I can't believe I agree dating that Man.'


I got back to our Hideout and yes First thibg first that I saw once I opened the door was that jerk.

'Good afternoo-' He spreads his arms and was about to hug me but I pointed him a gun.

'Touch me and I'll fucking shoot you.' I said and he just stood there like a dog. I head to the main door and saw everyone there.

Except Rindou.

'Sanzu. Here.' I throw him a pack of Drugs, 'Ohoho, what's this?'

'Silly can't you see a drugs?' I chuckles 'Hmm... That's unfair, Sanzu can make my Princess laugh.' Rindou appears as he hugged me 'You really want to die right no, right?' I said as I crossed my arms.

He's clingy....

I wonder what he act on the previous future...

'Hey, Let's go.' I said and grabbed him, he was smirking, I can see.

'Don't tell me... Are we finally gonna do it today? Omg!' He was acting girlish.. What the fuck?

'Nope, We're gonna have dinner together. You don't want it? Okay then.' I said and release his arm.

'No, I didn't say that.' I was shocked when he pinned me on a wall and said those words with a serious tone. It's not very him, when he's talking to me. He all act like a childish when he's with me, what happened?

'Heh. This is how I want you to act, darling.' I said with a seductive tone as I fixed his necktie.

'Oh you should've told me, Y/n-sama...' He said, I can feel that my face were heating up. Am I blushing!?

'S-stupid! Let's go.' I said and head to his car.

His car was expensive, you can see... He's filthy rich ever since he was born, so you should expect more.

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