Chapter 2

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•Rindou Haitani•

Y/n's POV:

'Have I seen him before? He looks familiar...' I mumbled While I tried to remember his familiar Face.

Ugh! Stop thinking. Your head is already way too heavy to think someone you just find Familiar...!

'He really is so Familiar.' I mumbled and went inside the restroom.


Ha... Whenever I walk it's keep on Bothering me somehow.

'Y/n-chan! You're back! What did you do inside the restroom to be so long to get back in the party?' Marie asks 'ah.. Just I..I got lost you know.' I just lied without hesitation.

'Hmmm.. I guess so. This venue is way too big so I won't blame you for that *chuckles* here drink up.' Marie said, offering me a beer.

Fuck I can't drink anymore. I can feel my body is getting heavy. What should I do!?

'Ah... *chuckles* yeah sure.' I replied.

What the f- NOOO!! That's not what I wanted to say!

'Drink up! Drink up!' She yelled.

She's so annoying as ever! Fuck you! Can't I just kill her without actually killing this fucking Bitch?

'Guess I don't have any choice so.'


Ugh! As bitter as ever.


'Here drink more.' She offers me a beer again.

What the fuckin' bitch! What the fuck! Can't she just the one who drink that shit?

'S-sure.' I responded 'You're so kind.' She replied.

Yep! I'm so fucking Kind. Because I'm so fucking kind I really wanted to kill you with my Kindness you bitch!


I drank all the Drinks she offers co'z I don't have any choice.


3rd Persons POV:

'O-oh no!! What should I do? Y/n-chan is so Drunk right now.' Marie said.

'Y-you bitch.' Y/n Mumbled 'eh? You said something?' She asks 'nothing.'


'I'm so sorry, Yuri (Their Manager) Y/n is so drunk.' Marie puts Y/n on a couch 'Eh? Did she really drank some alcohol? Oh no! She's a bad drinker, you shouldn't gave her more drinks!' Yuri said 'E-eh? I... I'm very sorry...' She apologized but not sincere.

This fucking bitch!

'What should we do? Before 9 I have to go home. My parents is coming home before 10 pm.' Yuri said 'I also needed to go home. I needed to unpack my Things, i just moved in.' Marie said 'w-what do we do?' They both said.

'Just go home you two. I'll take car of myself. Don't worry.' Y/n said 'eh? No!' Yuri said 'No.. It's fine.' Y/n replied 'are you sure?' She asked 'yeah.' Y/n replied 'O-okay..' They said.

They left....

'Haaa.... I can still walk, luckily. I'll just go home around 12.' Y/n mumbled.


Y/n's Pov:

*Alarm Noise*

'U-urgh... My head hurts.' I mumbled while stretching my Body.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now