Chapter 4

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•An letter from Unknown Person•

Y/n's POV:

'Are you going home now? It's still raining tho.' Yurina said 'ah... But I realy wanted to go home now.' I replied 'Let's hang out for a while, Let's go to my Brother's Coffee shop.' She said.

'E-eh!? Sure!'


I answered without thinking.... But I'm so glad I got to see Kento-san eheheh...

'Oh!? They have new drinks?' I said 'yeah.. They just released it yesterday. Should we try it?' Yurina asked 'Sure.'

'Bro we'll order the new Drinks and 4 slices of Chocolate cake and a cookies please.' She said 'How much? I'll pay for it.' I said 'No! I'll pay for it.' Yurina said.

The both of us argue, who'll pay for it.


'Girls.. I-i'll just give it to you guys for free.. Since all the people here is watching us right now *Chuckles*' Kento-san said 'u.uhh...' I mumbled.


'It's your fault I got embarrassed to all of the people here.' I whispered 'S-sorry *Chuckles*'

'Hmm... This taste good.. What is this again..?' I asks 'Oh it's Watermelon w/ chocolate shake *smiles*' She replied 'Oh...' I replied 'here. Eat these.' She said and offers the 1 slice of her cake.

'What? Why?' I ask 'ehehe just I can't eat it anymore.' She said 'oh okii.' I replied 'Oh yeah.. Did you already do the Files?' She asks 'oh you mean arrange those files that Sera sent?' I said 'Yeah.. I have lot of troubles doing it. And also Marie, our manager always gives me tons of work. I mean why tho? She always let me revise or check the misspelled parts.' Yurina responded with annoyed tone 'I really hate her.' I replied while I sip my Drink.

'Yeah.. She always walk like a model whenever Our executive walk infront of us and she's with us.' Yurina said 'She always flirt with Executive Kaito-kun.' She added 'I mean it's obvious she's into their looks and money.' She said 'XD yeah I can see that.' I responded.

'Come on. Change the topic.' I said.

'Yeah. Sorry 'bout that.'


'Thank you for the free food and drinks brother!' Yurina yelled while I bowed 'Yeah, sure.' He replied and waved his hand.

'We should argue always to get free food *chuckles*' she said 'yeah. We should!' I said 'Let's go to the Pet shop!! I wanted to see something in there.' I said 'sure.' She said.


'Uh.. You can just wait here.' I said and head inside the pet shop.

Yurina is Allergic to fur (any animal furs)
That's why even if she likes animals, she still can't let them be her pet because of her allergic.


*Cling cling*

'Hello, Welcome. Oh! You came again.' The owner of the shop said.

'Yeah.. I came here to buy some pet, I really wanted to have a pet. Oh wait let me just text yurina.' I said and texted Yurina.

' I said and texted Yurina

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