Chapter 20

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•The 2 dieties•

Rokuhara Tandai



Author's point of view:

'Holy shit! Just how many people are surrounding us right now!?' Takemitchi was panicking 'Gosh, chill Takemitchi-kun.. They just want an Autograph from Draken. And the question is why am I here? And Why am I involve with this fuckinh mother fucker shit! Situation!?' Y/n spat on South's Shoe 'YOU REALLY WANNA DIE!?'

'Okay okay, I'll stop.' She crossed her arms.

'You good inupi?' Draken asked.

'Yeah kinda.' Inui got up.

'He's definitely not okay.' Y/n said.

'Don't listen to her. You good?' He looked at you and asked 'Don't listen to her. You good?' You copy the tone that Inui gives 'Yes yes, I'll stop.' You said when Inui glared at you.


'No matter how many times you ask about my answer. My answer will always be the same. I will never join Rokuharadai Tandai!' Draken glared at south as he said it with a serious tone 'Stop begging for an Autograph. So let me go.' You said but the South glared at you again.

You were tied up with a rope, not tightly. The one who's holding you was the guy behind south.


'I've already retired.'


'That said, I don't want to be involved in whatever business that you guys up to.' Draken added.

'Oi! Draken!' South approach him closely (ahuhu stop giving me butterflies. Just kiddin')

'FORTE!' South punch Draken that made draken fly, To the left side. [We love draken]

'D-DRAKEN!' You shouted 'Draken!' Inui shouted also.

'Draken. I'll never forgive you if you retire.'

'Then why was the Tokyo manji was called the strongest!?' He added.

'H-hey! South! Stop it! Y-you need me right? Just leave draken alone! He said he retired so stop that! Stop forcing for autograph...!'

This time he really was pissed off, he approached you and punch your face. That made you tuen to the right side. You saw just a shoes of poeple and the ground.

He was about to go to draken again but you are getting pissed and lost it.

Your temper.

'H-how dare you... You fuckin' Ogre!' You lost your temper and hit him using your other foot. Since your hands were tied.

'You're hitting a girl for no reason? Just to shut them up? No guys would do that fuckin' thing to any girls just to shut 'em up! How bold of you dojng those thing to me!? Stupid jerk think he can slap or punch me just because I can't fight back!? No *Chuckles* Don't you fucking Underestimate me! Even if I'm tied like this. I can kill you with my feet. Remember that bastard.' You said and went back to the guy that was holding you. You sat there rolling your eyes with your arms crossed and glaring at the guy that was holding you.


Draken got up 'You piece of shit!' He spat his blood [Oh shit how hot he is :P]



Draken was getting punch everytime South shouted some words.

'Ack!' Draken blurt out a blood of his mouth.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now