Chapter 3

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•'You're from the 7th generation of Black dragon right?'• —Ran Haitani

Y/n's Pov:

Time: 8:58 am

*alarm noises*

'Ha... Is it saturday today?' I mumbled mumbled 'hm guess so.'

I head to my bathroom and shower myself.


'Coffee? Or chocolate drink? Hmm guess I'll just drink coffee for today.' I blabber and Make a coffee for myself.

Today is saturday... And It's Yurina's Birthday.. What gift should I give to her?

'She kept talking about Dress and heels. Should I just gave it to her? I think I have some heels in here that I haven't use for years.' I said to myself and checked my Storage room.

Luckily I saw the heels that My sister gaved me when I turned 24.



Yurina ♡´・ᴗ・'♡


                                         Oh hey!

Let's meet up today!


Near on my Brothers Coffee shop, how's that?

                                           See yah!

Yeah you too!
Around 11 am let's grab some food in my Brothers coffee shop! ;>

                                   Happy Birthday!



'I'm so excited to give her these Heels. Oh! I should head to the mall right now to get some dress for her.'



Time: 9:25 am

I wonder what dress she likes... There's tons of dress that's so good to her.

'Oh! These... Dress. Is so cute! I wonder if she'll like this one. Hmm how much.. Eh? ¥1,027.04!? T-that's kinda expensive.. But I don't have any choice. T-this... Clothes is so cute.ಥ⌣ಥ' I mumbled.


Time: 11:03am

Heh.. I bought it. My m-money TvT

'Y/n-chan! Have you waited for long!?' Yurina arrived 'eh? But you're just late like 2 or 3 minutes.' I respond 'Sorry. It's so traffic, That Area over there..' She replied 'no no! It's fine.' I replied and wrap my arms to hers.

'Let's head inside!'


Yurina and I were friends since we were still in Nursery. The both of us were like Sisters. She's younger than me like 3 months only. But she's so kind.


'Bro! I'll have 1 strawberry juice and 1 Chocolate cake please! How about you Y/n-chan?' She asks 'I'll just have 3 pancake-'

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