Chapter 30

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•Valentine's pleasure day•

It was 1 week ago when I cried so loud like a baby, sobbing and whining.


Today it's a Valentines day and I want to do something special for Rindou.

Of course in Valentine's here in Japan Girls were the one who should give a gifts to the boy they like. So I want to go and buy some chocolates and some stuff and also put effort on it.

So i'm inside a shop to buy some Gifts to give Rindou, of course who else?

After buying some Stuff, I went home.


'I'm home, Happy valentines.' I smiled on Rindou while I was putting my clothes on the Sofa 'Hmm.. Happy valentines.' He said as he wrap his arms on my waist, kissing my forehead.

'Where were you?' He asked 'Just outside? I went to visit the new shop.' I said.

That shop is where I went to buy some chocolates.

'Oh... You should've told me you are gonna visit that shop, I wanna visit that shop together.' He said as he was acting all cute 'I can't wake you up, you sound asleep.' I replied as I chuckled.

'Are you hungry?' He asked 'Uh... Yes, to be honest I haven't eaten Breakfast yet.' I said with a laugh 'What food do you want me to cook?' He asked.

Shit! This man is such a Material husband!

'I'll eat whatever you cook.' I smiled at him 'Then what if I cook myself to be serve for you, would you gladly eat me?' Oh my god! My smile dropped right after he said that. I formed a confused look when my Smile dropped.

And then I smirked.

'Yeah, sure. Whatever you serve me.' I said smirking at him, while I watch him turn red.

'Watch your mouth, Mommy. You might regret it later.' He said 'Why? Are you gonna fuck me good later?' I replied, grabbing his Collar as I smirked at him and stole a kiss From him.

'Naughty girl..' He whispered 'I'll wait for the food. But if you are gonna serve yourself, I want a Rindou that were wearing a Maid outfit, please.' I said and head inside my room to change.


After I finished Changing, I head outside my room to eat my breakfast since I think Rindou was done Cooking now.

And right aftef I stepped outside my door, My face turned red.

'I-I'm speachless...' I said as I was covering my mouth, staring at Rindou with a maid outfit is just..... Making me Horny!?

'I was just joking.' I said as I approached him 'w-wait! Is that my maid outfit!? And why do you have a Cat ear!?' I asked.

'I saw your Maid outfit, Remember when you cosplay 'Misaki' from Maid sama? Gah... It suit me right? But it's kinda uncomfortable it's way too short for me.' He said as he chuckled 'Hey... Y-you look so hot! *Snap* *snap*' I quickly grab my phone to snap some pics of him.

I wanna post it and caption 'The Criminal named Rindou Haitani is wearing a Maid outfit'

He was so embarrassed so he tried to Grab my phone.

'No paparazzi please.' He said as he was trying his best to steal my Phone.

'Not a chance, Rindou. I'll sell this.' I chuckled.

But since this Jerk is tall and fast, he grabbed my phone kinda easy.

'Heh.' He said 'Tsk.'

But When he already got my phone I tripped myself and land on Rindou's Chest.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now