Chapter 26

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Y/n's pov:

I'm outside the Hideout.

It was raining so hard, while I was just dmoking outside. Our meeting just got finished after discussing for like 2-3 hours, how exhausting.

'Haa.... It's raining hard. It's kinda cold...' I mumbled as I blow the smoke.

I saw Sanzu walking towards me. He is holding a pack of drugs. Is he offering me those?

'Do you want some?' As I expected!

'Yeah sure? Why not.' I respond to him, I was about to get it but Rindou stopped me.

Since when did he Arrived!?

'That's not good for a girl, Princess.' He said as he grabbed it and toss those to Sanzu 'What the heck, Rinrin.' As I say those words, my head kinda hurts and I felt dizzy for a moment.

Rindou hurriedly held my hand and hid other hand were on my shoulder. He is keeping my balance.

'Y/n?' Sanzu looked at me, shocked.

'Are you okay, Y/n?' Rindou asked, This is the first time I heard Rindou's soft voice with a sincere tone 'I... I kinda felt Dizzy. For a sec.' I said as I pressed my temple 'For a sec? Let's go to the Hospital.' Rindou said 'What? Are you crazy? We can't go to a public Hospital or something! We might get arrested. Stupid.' I said.

'My aunt have her own Hospital so don't worry she'll cover us if someone tried to arrest us. Besides she knew I'm a criminal.' Rindou smiled.

'Sanzu, Umbrella.' Rindou turn to Sanzu's direction and say those words in a cold way.

'I'm not a slave, Haitani Rindou?' He said as he roll his eyes 'Yes you are, did you forget you're a mad dog?' Rindou chuckled 'Jerk. Only for Mikey, Not for anyone.' Sanzu said.

But even if he complains he still grab an Umbrella and hand it to us.

'Cover us, I'll carry my Princess.' Rindou said and was about to carry me 'N-no. It's fine I can walk.' I said 'No.' Rindou said 'I can. I'm not disabled, Idiot.' I chuckled as I smack his back 'I'll carry you whenever you are disabled or not.' He said and carry me with a force.

I didn't complain since this guy is crazy if he gets mad. I don't wanna blame Myself again.

Sanzu cover us with a big Umbrella and Rindou and I head inside the car..

'Thanks.' I thanked Sanzu and he smiled slightly.

'Don't look at those ugly smile of his.' Rindou said and Sanzu pointed him a Gun.

'How bold of you to insult me. I see that you prefer to die now than later.' He said.

'I think he takes some pill today, close the door right now before we die here.' Rindou whispered to me 'You don't want to die with me?' I whisper back 'Well if with you I orefer it, but I must take you to the Hospital before  we die, okay?' He smiled as he patted my head.

This was the first time he pat me...

I hurriedly closed the door and Rindou started to turn the Engine on. And drove off.


We are inside his Aunt's Hospital.

I don't know what happened to his head to bought me inside the Hospital just because I got a Headache. This guy is literally Stupid. I can just take care of myself.

Or maybe him.....

'I'll contact my Aunt wait here.' He said.

I just sat somewhere the bech outside the Hospital. In there there's tons of Patients roaming around.

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