Chapter 12

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•You're Crazy.•

Y/n's POV:

'Oi. Glad you made it.'

'I've been waiting here for hours. What happened to you? Y-your hair *laughs* Your hair is so m-messy *Laughs*' I tried so hard not to laugh, but his looks right now is just so funny to see in the morning.

His looks right now is so funny that I can't breathe.

Messy hair, sleepy eyes with some tear in his eyes, sleepy face and It's so obvious he just shower his self without drying his hair. I can see the water dropping on his Suit.

And it's so funny. What a good sight.

'I'm so cheered right now.' I added 'Your welcome..?' He replied hopping on his motor.

'Let's go.' He said 'Where?' I asked, putting the helmet on my Head 'Somewhere? where you wanna go?' He asked again while he start the engine.

'I wanna go to.... Oh! How about beach? It's still 4 am tho. Let's watch the sunrise!'

'Sure.' He smiled softly.


'Owahhhh!!! This is the best feeling ever!'

The White sand, Dark sorroundings, the waves, the sound of it and the wind blowing my hair gently.

'Hmm.. This is so cool.' I ran as fast I can to go to the water.


Stamping my feet and jumping. Splashing some waters. I can feel how my jeans were getting wet.

I saw rinrin sitting on the sand. He was holding something and blowing it.

'Ha... He was smoking.' I groaned.

I walk a little in the water.

The water was on my Legs now. I can feel the wave.

'Oi! Did you bought some clothes with you?' He shouted 'No?' I shouted back with a confused face.

'Are you dumb or something?' He chuckled.

I ran at him and sat beside him

'No?' I replied at him and steal some of his cigarette 'Lighter please.' I said asking for him to light the cigarette that are in my Lips.

'You should've bought clothes with you if you wanted to go swimming. I won't give you a ride if your clothes were wet.' He said with a serious face, blowing his smoke.

'Hmkay?' I replied trying to tease him.

'Okay? So you're going to just ride a bus or something? They won't let you in, for sure.' He chuckled 'Then I'll walk.' I replied 'Sure.' He said.


'It's getting chilly here.' I mumbled, but enough for him to hear 'huh? Of course. It's winter.' He said still smoking.

This man.

'Tsk. I'm sending a signal.' I groaned 'What do you want me to do?' He asked 'aren't you a "Gentleman?"' I chuckled trying to tease him more 'Here.' He said, putting his jacket on my shoulder.

'Thanks.' I smiled.

'Oh! The sun! It's rising.' I said pointing to the sun 'That's why it was called "sunrise" right?' He said 'Yeah.'


After the both of us watched the Sunrise.

We both head to the Parking lot were he park his Motor.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now