Chapter 15

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•Alisa and Y/n•

Y/n's Pov:

It's Christmas eve today, Rindou said that we're going to buy some new clothes.

Bruh I just bought new expensive clothes like 2 days ago.

Me and Rindou have been Faking our relationship for 4 weeks now.

'Why go shopping so suddenly? I mean you woke me up in early in the morning, saying we're going shopping.' I said fixinv my posture, We're riding Rindou's BMW right now.

'You'll see, just relax.' He said, speeding the Car 'H-hey!' I yelled 'hey. Can you pass that Pack of cigarettes?' He said pointing on it 'Yeah sure.' I rolled my eyes on him.

When I pass his cigarettes, he suddenly stops somewhere.

'Aren't you in a rush right now? Why stopping?' I asked. He light his cigarette and kissed me directly and there he blew his smoke that made me cough.

'Let's make out for a while.' He said smirking at me as he put his right hand on my legs. 'Shut it.' I crossed my arms while he's still circling his thumb on my legs. 'Let's make out, I'll give you something good.' He winked at me as he Grin, well since I love surprises I just replied to him saying "Sure."

It's fine to make out since Rindou'sroof was closed.

And so I thought.

While the both of Us were making out, he bit my lower lip while he's smirking.

He then suddenly opened the roof that made me so shock. He just pulled me and kiss me again.

There's a lot of people in here, they might see us.

He broke the kiss for a sec and whispered something.

'It's fine making out inside the car, while there's people watching, if they dare to say something I'll fucking kill them.' He whispered seductively.

'Oh.. We also fuck inside the car right?' He winked at me and began to kiss me again.


After we both kissed Rindou began to Start the engine again.

'Let's go.' He said.


Finally we're done shopping. We've been shopping for more like 4 hours? And It's

It's 2 pm now and we haven't eaten something.

And since I'm so fucking hungry, my stomach growl.

'Oh..? You're hungry?' He asked, he was picking some expensive clothes.

Come on! We've been buying clothes for 4 hours now. My feet hurts. Well who's the bitch wore this heels?

'Why don't we just buy this whole mall right? You like all the stores aren't yah?' I said while I sat on the small couch here 'ah. That if only I could. I would definitely buy it, but I can't.' He replied 'Huh?' I reacted confusely 'Since It's my Step-father's Mall.' He said sitting besides me 'Oh.. So that's why no one's Arresting you here and you're not paying any of it?' I added 'No. I told my step-dad that I'll pay him next week when I already got my card.' He said 'Okay. Okay.' I replied.

'Now it's time for you to eat.' He said.


Now I'm finally home.

'Ugh... Heaven! This is what I called heaven.' I mumbled to myself. 'Tsk. Buying too much clothes is such a waste when I only wore them when there's an Occasion.' I threw my phone on my bed.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now