Chapter 14

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Y/n's Pov:

It was around 10 pm.

'Ran.. I'll head home now.' I said 'You're going home now? Just stay for a while. It's not safe for you to go outside, since the cops already recognized you because of rindou.' He replied 'N-no.. It's fine.' I replied 'Y/n.. My apologies for my Brothers behalf, I know he's acting an Idiot, but he has a reason.' He added that made me so curious.

'A reason? What kind?' I asked.

I just can't help but Be curious, I really wanna know why he changed or something.

'You know Rindou is such a troublemaker even if my parents didn't divorce that time. My parents didn't love each other, just my mom and her one side love for dad. They divorce for good. And my dad didn't want to hurt my mom. So they had to, for us. But when they got divorced, Rindou became more troublemaker. Well I know that we're together doing things. But he's gotten worse when they divorced.' He frowned.

'My mom got a new family and we both supported her. Mom didn't deserve dad and Dad didn't deserve mom's love. So it's better if they just broke their marriage.' He added.

'Seeing Rindou getting worse just made me feel bad for him, I know he's being toxic but he does have a reason for being like that. It may sound a stupid Reason but it's his own reason to begin with.' He added and rest his head on the head of the Couch.

Oh I forgot to mention we are in the living room.


'I'll get going now.' I stand up and was about to head home but Ran stopped me.

'I'll send you home.' He said and stood up.

'Okay.' I added.


We were inside Ran's car.

We were just not talking. I'm just listening a song with Ran.


'Thank you for sending me off.' I said as I gave him my Sweetest smile, he just nodded and left.

The both of us were riding his Car in silence.

Was he that quiet? Or Am I the quiet one? Maybe both?


The next morning.

I was getting ready to visit Rindou in his Apartment. I mean small house. (Maybe?)

As I was watching some news, rindou the other executive and me were in the news.

'*laughs* fuck, I look suck in this. Why take some stolen or CCTV pictures when they can just took a picture of me?' I mumbled While I ate my food.

After I eat some food that Ran gaved me, I head to Rindou's house.


I was ringing Rindou's bell for like 15 minutes now but no one's answering or opening the door.

'Ha... Maybe he's somewhere.' I mumbled.

I keep on ringing the bell but no one is still answering it.

'Okay.. For the last time. If no one open the door. I'll head home or sneak in.'

I was about to ring it when I heard a voice behind my back.

'Y/n? What are you doing here?' I can hear that It was rindou that's talking 'Rinrin! I'm glad you're fine. O-oh.. Your face i-it's swollen.' I said 'Well of course it is. My brother beat me up remember?' He replied 'oh yeah right.' I said while I chuckled a little.

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