Chapter 34 (Bonus)

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Hikaru's point of view:

'Oi, let's skip claas, Kaichou.' Suna is here again to Distract me 'skip on your own, jerk.' I said while flipping the page. I'm inside the Library and this dude is also here to annoy me.

'If you don't have anything to do go find someone to Annoy with.' I added 'Nah, I want to annoy you, love.' He replied 'please stop calling me that.' I said 'Love?'

'S-stop..' I whispered 'Love...?'

G-gahhh!! This fuckin' dude is annoying!!

'Stop it!' I whisper-yelled 'I'm leaving.' I added and walked out.


I was walking today to go home, and this Suna dude annoyed me again 'Ehehe, Hi?' He said while he put his arm on my Shoulder. But I shoved it off 'Please stop.' I said 'Okay, Okay.'

'Let's go to the cafe!' He said and then dragged me.



This Suna dude seems like Filthy Rich, Since he bought me tons of food and drinks.

'You want me to die because of diabetes?' I asked 'Hmm? Just dig in, we can throw the cake that you can't eat.' He said while paying the Food 'I can pay on my own, I have my Uncle's other Black credit card.' I said while showing Uncle Ran's card.

'*laughs* no need, Love.' He smirked 'Hey. Stop saying that dude.' I said and then started to dig in 'O-ouch.. Dude-zone.' He said.

He was drinking an americano.

'My god, Americano? You'll become old at that age so early.' I said while eating 'That's great, I can spend a lot of my time with you until i'm old.' He said 'Huh?' I replied 'You are quite slow for a smart woman.' He added 'Tsk.'


'I'm done.' I said, wiping my mouth with a tissue 'You said you can't eat all of it, then how come you ate all of it?' He chuckled 'I can order you some more if you want-'

'I don't want foods that was given to me be wasted.' I replied 'Oh how come? You are rich though, you must be throwing those foods that you can't eat.' He chuckled 'Is that supposedly to be a joke? Co'z it's not funny. I'm leaving, thanks for the food.' I said and left.


I was near to my house, walking home. But then suddenly someone called for me.

'Love, get in.' It said 'I said please stop calling me that.' I rolled my eyes on Suna 'Come on, I'm trying to be kind here.' He said 'Tsk.' I was about to get on but then another car stopped to my direction.

It's familiar! Could it be?


'Sweetie, Are you walking home? All alone?' Dad got off in his Ferari and pat my head 'Excuse me, sir? Who are you?' Suna then got off in his car also.

'I was about to ask you that, but. I'm Rindou Haitani, Hikaru's Father. And you are?' Dad asked, coldly 'I- I'm Suna.' He said 'No surname? You kinda look like someone I know. But let me ask you a question.' Dad approached suna, while his two hands were inside his pocket.

'What do you want from my daughter? Are you....-'

'I'm just-'

I stepped in, because I know dad don't want me to have any boy to court me yet or anything. He might kill this dude.

'I- Dad, he is my schoolmate. He just wanted to... Umm... Uh! He, he wanted to return this ring that I accidentally dropped yesterday. *chuckled* Thank you Suna for dropping this.' I then pushed dad to enter the car so that no more fighting or anything.

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