Chapter 17

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•Sick Y/n and A jerk named Rindou•

Y/n's Pov:

I was laying in my bed, dead.

No. Just kidding, I'm asleep. Both of my dogs were on my arms.

I woke up when I smell something delicious...

I went to the kitchen and saw this Mother fucker.

Rindou Haitani!

'What are you doing here!?' I asked, yelling at him 'Chill. I'm cooking.' He said 'I'm not eating that!' I said aggressively 'So leave.' I added 'No, you're sick.' He said.

Sick? What the hell is he sayin'?

I checked my neck and forehead if I have a fever, and that's when I knew he was right. Come to think of it when I got up, I'm kinda trembling and it's so cold. even though I didn't turn on the Air conditioner.

'I can cook on my own.'

'No. Go relax, I'll feed you.' He gently said 'Why?' I asked, not looking at him.

I can feel his presence that he's going to approach me.

'I'm sorry okay?' He said, out of nowhere 'what?' I asked 'About the other day, and about the Christmas eve.' He said putting his hands on my Shoulder, I shove them off.

'I aske you why..? Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?' I asked with hatred 'Is it because Alisa already confesses? Well if it is the reason then leave me alone, I would prefer that than you being "sincere" even tho you don't mean it. Fuck that two-faced of yours.' I said and then he suddenly pinned me on my wall.

His left hand was on the top of head.

'W-what are you doing!?' I asked with an embarrassed face 'That's not the reason so let me do what I wanted.' He said.

'I said leave! If you want to do what you wanna do then do your fuckin' thing! Don't bother me or involve me with that!' I responded, yelling at him but he grabbed my face with his bare hand, with force.

'Ugh!' 'Shut the fuck up! I'm trying my best to be good to you, so be fuckin' greatful with that!' He said and let go of my face, he then kissed my forehead.

This fucking two faced guy!


I just let him cook, while me sitting on my couch playing with my dogs while I watched some movie.

'Here.' He said offering me a porridge, but he take it back 'What the heck?' I groaned 'I'll feed you.' He smirked.

This guy really do have a plan.

'But before that... You have to do something in return.' He smirked, ugh! I really wanna kill this jerk. He's thinking about something bad.

'Nah. Don't wanna eat.' I said 'you have to drink medicine.' He said 'I'd rather, die than do something in return.' I said coldly, he just looked at me signaling to accept it 'Ugh! Come on. I'd eat it now okay!?' I said and snatch the porridge from him.


'What do you want?' I angrily said 'Hmm let me think...'

'Yeah sure take your fucking time.' I said rolling my eyes on him.


I'm done eating now and this jerk haven't thought about something.

'Hey! Hurry up, I'm going to sleep.' I complain 'hmm.. I've been thinking about two thing.' He said showing his two fingers 'What is it? Spill it. Hurry up, i'm sleepy.'

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