Chapter 28

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Y/n's Pov:

We are back to our apartment.

'Sit there.' Rindou said pointing at the Sofa.

Is he bossing me?

'Nah, I'll go inside my room, I'm Sleepy.' I said and was about to head to my room, when he grab my arm, gently and forced ne to sit on the Sofa.

'What?' I asked as I was crossing my arms 'Wait there.' He said and went somewhere.

'What's his problem?' I mumbled.


He come back with a First aid kit, he is holding it.

'Oh... You should've told me you are gonna Heal my bruises and wound. Why grab me like that?' I asked 'Tsk you are always reckless.' He said and kneel to clean my wounds.

'Ah! Be gentle.' I said without thinking, His face was shocked at first and then he chuckled.

'You don't like rough, huh?' He smirked 'Hey! Throw that bad thoughts you have there. That's not what I meant.' I replied, Rolling my eyes on him 'Geez....' He said.



'That's way too long.' I said, complaining at him 'I don't want you to sleep, since we need to head to our Hideout today.' He said and went to return the kit 'What? Just think about my fucking health.' I said 'Your health? You are not Healthy now, Y/n. You've been sleeping around 5 am just to watch some movies and sometimes just to do your Missions.' He said laughing sexily.

This bastard really seducing me with that voice of his.

I went to grab his collar, He was startled.

'What?' He asked 'Just who's the one talking? Weren't you the main reason I can't sleep at night, because of you being so Horny?' I replied.

'*Chuckled* You still like it tho.' He smirked at me 'Gosh... Tell mikey I won't appear on our meeting. I'm gonna hang out with my Friend. And also tomorrow, just tell me if mikey agreed about us killing that Kaito.' I said and went to the bathroom to shower.


'Rindou! Grab me some Shampoo!' I yelled as I was stripping my clothes off. And then I heard a Knock.

It's Rindou, nothing else.

'Thanks-' I grabbed my Shampoo but then Rindou went inside.

'R-rindou! What the hell!?' I yelled at him 'What?' He asked as he was smirking.

He was already planning to sneak.

'Go outside! I'm gonna shower!' I nag 'Let's shower together.' He was smirking 'Ugh! No! Shower together? When you are obviously wanting to have sex inside the Bathroom, I'm not stupid. So go outside.' I said 'Why? You don't want to do it?' He asked, tilting his head 'Are you insane? You won't let me walk!' I said '*chuckled* Then I'll be gentle.' He said 'Those are lies- ack!' He pushes me inside the bathroom.

'I already saw your body so don't hide anything. Looking at it with bruises is way too hot.' He added.

'Tsk.' I hissed at him.


'Ugh~ Y-you said you'll be gentle you fuckin' jerk.' I said while moaning 'Stupid, you are aware those are lies. Ugh, fuck it felt good.' He is moaning way too loud.

'Hey! Where did you get a condom?' I asked 'I have tons in there.' He responded while he was pointing at the drawer 'Gosh.'

'Y-you are way too tight right now.' He said while he thrust 'shut up just Get this done.' I said.

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