Chapter 6

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•I said I'm not that weak... I can just have a tattoo. -Y/n•

Y/n's Pov:

"Bonten... Bonten is the most dangerous deliquents in tokyo and the Biggest criminal organization."

Because of curiosity I joined the gang named Bonten without even thinking.

What the hell was I thinking that time!?

'Ha.... Was I really out of my mind? Ugh! Just please let this be a dream!.' I talk to myself.


'E-eh!? Are you crazy!?' Yurina yelled 'ah... Shhhh...' I said, covering her mouth 'You're being too loud.' I added 'What are you thinking!? *lower voice* are you insane? Joining the gang and that gang was the biggest criminal organization in tokyo and also known as a Dangerous delinquent here.' She said 'I-i... I know about that. But this stupid mouth of mine never listens to myself. And also... I think t-they'll protect me for a while? Y-you know-'

'No! You've never fought for years. You've refused to join any gang and you also made a promise to me, that you'll never join any gang AGAIN!' She said angrily.

Was I scolded by my mother...?

'You dummy... You're putting yourself into danger. And first of all, Can't you see... You just told me that all of the members were boys. What if they'll do something for you? Because you're a girl...? You should be careful this times.' She scolded me like my mother.

'Have you thought about that? Leave. Leave the gang. That's the better.' She said coldly 'This is the first time i've seen you angry.' I said 'Yeah. Because i needed to scold you.' She said 'That's for the better for your life. So leave the gang.' She said.

'B-but.. What if they'll kill me?' I asked 'w-what!? If you already knew that. Ah... Guess yeah. Just don't leave.' She said 'W-wut!? Give me an acceptable answer.' I said 'Just don't leave.'

E-eh? Didn't she just say leave the gang like right now!?

'That's for the better. Don't leave. I still want you to get a boyfriend. ' she chuckles 'are you just teasing me right now...?' I ask 'mmm... No?' She replied.

'Y/n.... -chan.. J-just do what you think is best. Leaving the gang is right b-but saying that what if they'll kill you is not.' She ssid holding my two hands like an idiot.

'Are you a fool? I shouldn't have told you about this.' I laughs 'h-hey. That's rude.' She said.

'Just don't tell anyone about this. If we were attacked by a police, I'll come at you okay...?' I said with a serious face 'H-hmm.' She nodded.

'Ehe.. Peace yow!' I said to kill the serious atmosphere.


[Bonten's Hideout]

3 weeks later....

'Y/n, try this.' Ran said and tossed me a pair of clothes 'oh.. This looks so cool. I'm gonna try this on, later.' I ssid cheerfully.

'Y/n, zince you're a new member of bonten, Mikey Assigned you as a Bonten's "Muse" from now on.' Sanzu said 'A-a muse!?' I ask 'did I heard that right?' I added 'You're not deaf right?' He coldly replied.

'Y/n-chan~ When'll you have a tattoo like us..?' Rinrin asks 'E-eh? A tattoo? Oh.. Come to think of it I've seen all of you guys have the same tattoo, all of you with the same style but not the same place.' I said 'hmm..' Rinrin said 'Is it necessary to put a tattoo? Like yours...?' I ask 'Yeah.. Since you're a member now or should I say Our MUSE.' Rinrin formed a smirk to his face.

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