Chapter 31

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Y/n and the Other executives were waiting for mikey to return in their Base.

Y/n's Pov:

'Do we really need to wait for mikey to announce if we can go ang kill that Kaito?' I asked 'It's better if mikey knew about it before you guys go and kill them.' Kanji-san replied 'Well, if you guys were just gonna spend your day here. Why you go and tell mikey we went there already? I'm impatient to kill that Kaito.' I said.



'Mikey is here.' Sanzu said, I head to mikey and tell him I'll go head now.

'I'll go now, I don't want any back up. I'll do it on my own. So, Bye.' I said and head Outside to Drive.


'Oi, Rindou. You should back up, Y/n-chan. The security there were way too tight.' Takeomi said 'She'll contact me later.' Rindou smirked.


I was driving to the Hotel where Kaito was today.

'Gahh! Because of my Impatient I forgot Rindou.' I mumbled, as I grabbed my Phone.


Rindou's Pov:

*ring ring*

'Who?' Kokonoi asked 'Y/n. Told yah she'll call me.' I said and went outside to back up Y/n.


Y/n's Pov:

'Oi, Back me up, I'll head inside now.' I said and hang up the call after he said 'Roger that'

I head outside with a full disguise because who's a dumb Person that'll kill someone without a Disguise.


'Hello, ma'am. Are you going to check in?' The woman asked 'Ah, yes. And also may I ask is anyone named "Kaito Yorukawa" checked in here?' I asked 'Kaito Yorukawa? Ah let me check ma'am, Wait a sec.'


'Ah yes ma'am his hotel room number were 532.'

'Ah, I want to check in there, near his Room.' I said 'May I ask ma'am if you were his relatives or friend?'

I squinted my eyes and smiled after.

'Ah yes, you can check. I'm Hana Yorukawa.' Hana said.

To be honest I saw Hana yorukawa outside and asked her to cooperate with me.

'Kaito Yorukawa, were her Brother.' I said. I was wrapping my left arm on her shoulder.

And also the fact that she agrees, me killing her Brother that quickly was so unbelievable. She also told me that her Brother once Raped her Friend and killed her guy friends also.


'Okay ma'am, here's your room number.' She gaved us the key card and after we pay we head there quickly.


'Are you really gonna kill that psycho?' Hana asked once we head to our room 'Yes? Why you asked?' I asked at her while I was preparing 'It's just.... No, It's nothing.' She said.

I head inside the Bathroom to take a bath and clean myself first.

But while I was taking a bath, I kinda had a Suspension on Hana. Like I heard from Kakucho that The target of Kaito was my sister all this time and that Kaito never tried raping or kill someone, just his Bodyguard.

She's lying about her friend getting raped and killed.

I head outside once I was done showering.

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