Chapter 1

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•An Unexpected meeting•

It was around Winter when the both of us have a date with each other, it was just a date-No any reason to say... Never thought we'd be ended up dating each other and grow feelings with each other...

I just met him somewhere in Roppongi (Somewhere a Location)

Punching some guys, More like they are having a fight or a war?

I once remember doing the same thing when I was still in Middle School.

Punching some guys from our enemies gang...

Breaking some bones, breaking their nose, punching their face and send them in the Hospital. Just because our Leader said so.

And just to make them scared of us and make us the Strongest delinquent in the Country...

I was in a gang named 'Black Dragon' The one who made the Black Dragon is Shinichiro-san Sano. I joined in. I'm still 13 years old that time if you may ask me.

My parents doesn't really care about that because they're always at work and dojng work for our company, ever since i was 2 they are always not coming home or Visit me at home.

So they doesn't care about it. [They just support me. But they're really busy to argue with me.]

My dad likes to fight other guys also. He once a delinquent.

[My mom is busy at our restaurant and my parent's Shop (Dorayaki Shop) They stop working when My older sister began to work, she's the one who's handling our Restaurant and mom still work in our Shop.]


I always follow and protected our Leader.

But when the 7th generation got disbanded because of a stupid deal they made. I was 14 that time...

I resigned and leave the Black dragon and started to focus on study.

I always got offers from the gangs, all of the offers they gaved, I rejected it all just to focus with my studies.

And here I am 26 years old Named Y/n Hiiragi.

Status: Single (NBSB)


'Y/n! Let's go already.' Yurina called 'I've been calling you like a hundred times already.. Saw something Interesting?' She asked 'hmm.. Not really just remember the times I used to pick a fight on the other gangs.' I replied looking down.

'Let's go we still have meeting.'

'Haa... A meeting with our fucking boss..' I mumbled.

I really hate the fact that Kaito-kun no. Kaito-san was my boss, he's the youngest son of the Richest Family in Japan.

Named Ukagi Family...

And I work as Secretary in Company named 'SEON' -their company.

The most Successful company in our whole country.

I really hate the fact that I was assigned as his secretary, when I heard that he's the rudest and the Strictest Executive in the whole country.

'You really hate him so much that you've been cursung him for like everyday whenever you felt like cursing someone *Chuckles* he's young like 2 years? Maybe. so just understand him, he's kinda attractive! No he really is! I mean I would definitely date him if he is not that strict.' She said 'Nope. I will never like him.. He's so strict.' I replied with an annoyed face forming.

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