Chapter 22

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•Rindou in the Past PART 2]•

Y/n's pov:

'So is Brahman's meeting gonna take place In this normal looking Building?' Takemitchi asked 'This building is kinda scary you know, there's some molds and somethin'. And the cameras... That's kinda a lot.' I said 'The feeling is just so creepy....' I added, shivering, kinda.

'H-huh!? What the hell is going on!?' Takemitchi was shocked when Senju opened the door.

'A fight? Nah, I'm outta here...' I was about to leave.

But senju pulled me.

'What?' I glare at her 'Where are you going, Y/n-chan!?' She asked with a cold tone 'Let me remind you Senju! I didn't plan on joining you! And first of all I'm not interested on joining you! And your gang! Even if you're interested in me, okay I'm glad! But I kinda feel like I was forced okay? So let me leave and that's it! I'm leaving this place. Bye.' I said and closed the door. But I found myself startling when I heard her opening the door with a Bang on it!

'G-gosh! That scared me!'

'You can't leave once you're in my gang Y/n-chan, you just joined recently so I won't let you leave. For. Now. I don care if you like it or not!' She said clenching her teeth 'so you're telling me that if a guy joined your gang just yesterday and then his mom told him to stop joining some stupid guy, you won't let him leave!? Just because he's new!? What a useless thing for you to say, a reason!? No! That's not acceptable. You know Senju, I don't like fighting anymore. I was stunned when you were interested in me, and I'm greatful with that. I didn't fought or complain about it at first. But I realized it after just now? So let me live for myself and give me freedom. Adios!' I said and walked out.

'Senju! Wait!' I heard Takemitchi was yelling.

'Y/n-chan! Please! Don't do that! Please don't leave. I'm begging you, we need you to bring the Kantou manji gang down, together!' She was begging.

No, I've made my decision. I promised to myself I won't do it anymore...

'I'm sorry, but I promised myself not to join a gang ever again... I-I need to go now the uber is here.' I said, I thought senju was going to slap me or something but Instead she hugged me.

And handed me a cloth?

A jacket!

'A-a jacket!?'

'Yeah, you're always welcome Y/n-chan.. If you ever feel like joining us. Then wear this and find me!' She smiled warmly at me while she hugged me 'You're so kind Senju...' I smiled back 'You are way too kind.' She hugged me tightly.

'If you ever made up your mind about joining us. I would welcome you with an open arms, Y/n-chan!' She winked at me and started to walk inside the building, while takemitchi was waving at me.


I'm inside the uber now. Still thinking if I made the decision right.

'Have I made the right decision?' I mumbled but I was so shocked when the uber driver heard me 'H-huh? What ma'am?' He asked 'u-uh.. Nothing!' I smiled 'oh..'

That was close.


I went to the bookstore. Since I wanted to read some books. My sister were so Obsessed about books and I wanna know why.

'There's tons of books... What book should I read first....?' I mumbled but then someone appears out of nowhere 'I would definitely recommend reading this book.' He winked at me erotically 'Huh? Fifty shades of grey....?' I asked, I didn't saw his face.

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