Chapter 29

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•It's better to cry on Someone's Arms than Crying on your arms•

Y/n's Pov:

I'm inside of a Cafe (Cafe of Kento-san)

Just doing some work.

'Here's your order, ma'am.'

'Oh, thank you.' I said.

No one will know that I'm Y/n Hiiragi. Since I'm wearing a disguise.


A message?? Who could it be

I look through my phone who might text me in the middle of my work. Well not really work just me Helping Yurina on Work. She's sick today so I'll help her out. Just type and review the Files.

 Just type and review the Files

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'O-oh no, I'm almost Lowbat.' I mumbled.

I didn't bought a charger with me, what do I do?

'Here.' Someone at my back offer a charger 'Ran?' I asked 'Yes?' He smiled softly.

'How'd you know I'm here? Oh, and what's with a braid?' He is wearing a wig....

'I wanna try wearing a disguise for today. And also I wanna see what I look with the Hairstyle I do when I was young.' He said and sat infront of me.

'Oh... By the way how'd you know i'm here?' I asked again 'Rindou asked me to drop your charger here, since you forgot about it earlier and the timing was good I went to visit Rindou to give him some Korean food.' He said 'Oh... I should go back now since there's a Korean food.' I jokingly said 'Yes you should.'

'I'll order something, I hope you don't mind.' He said 'ah not at all!' I replied 'good.' He said and head to the counter to order some.


'Here's the order, sir, ma'am.'

'I heard you like sweets, so I order some.' I was shocked when there's 5 sliced of Other Flavors that was served 'E-eh? That's what you call some? That's quite a lot, Ran.' I said pointing at the cake 'You can just bring some at home. I'll treat my Sister-In-law, of course.' He said as he smiled at me.

'Idiot.' I started to eat the cake while he just sip from his Coffee.

'By the way, I thought you only drop my Charger, why did you sat here?' I teased 'Don't tell me you don't like me to be here? I should get going now.' He said, shockingly 'Nah, Just kidding.' I chuckled.

'By the way, where is Rindou? Why didn't he just drop my Charger here instead of you?' I asked 'He said he'll go somewhere and that he'll be home around midnight. And he said don't wait for him.' Ran said 'You don't want to eat some cake?' I asked 'Enjoy yourself.' He said 'Geez...'

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