Chapter 25

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•Green flag Rindou Haitani•

Y/n's pov:

I'm inside the bar right now, waiting for Rindou to get arrived.

Some mens were approaching me and some of them were offering me something like.

'Excuse me ma'am but are you interested on having sex with 2 mens?' It said 'Huh? Are you insane? I'm sorry but if you're offering me such an Invitation, I won't do that just to pleasure myself.' I said coldly.

'Oh come on ma'am, you're beautiful at your age. You should Try it, we have handsome participants.' He winked at me 'I'm sorry but I already told you what I wanted to say so fuck off.' I said but he aggressively grabbed my arm 'Ack!' That arm is kinda hurt since Rindou handcuffed it while we do it to try some new things.

'Let the fuckin' go off of me! How dare you touch me without my permission!? You're a psycho!' I yelled at him, some people were just watching us.

Mother fuckers enjoying the show.

'I said let go...' I said it again, I wanted to punch this guy 'I already said I'm not interested.' I added 'Well you'll be interested if you see our participants.' He said, grinning at me 'You're crazy. Eve if they're my type I won't try it out. It's better to have sex with one partner than having sex with two. Stupid shit.' I was glaring at him as if I really want to slice those neck of his.

'Let go of me! It hurts!' I shouted at him 'You're coming with me, ma'am.' He said 'y-you...'

'What? What's with that glare? You want to die?' He was chuckling, stupid jerk maybe you're the one who wanted to die. Just who the fuck you are? I'm a criminal here.

'You have a death wish, Mother fucker?' I smirked at him. 'Maybe you are.' He respond 'Let me ask you one more time... Do you really want to die?' I glared at his green glowy eye.

'Don't get me arroused by that look, lady.' He said.

'Excuse me, but I already gave her the offer.' Someone behind my back said, the guy on my back gently wrap his hands on my waist and pulled me gently as he lets go the guy's hand on my Arm.

'Who-' I was shocked to see Rindou, with a mad look that was forming on his face, he was pissed off.

'Hah!? You want to die!? Just who do you fuckin' think you are?' The guy grabbed me again aggressively.

This guy don't even know who's his enemy are.

'I can kill anyone that touches my woman. So let go before I kill you, you trash.' Rindou said he pushed the guy that was grabbing me 'Are you okay?' He whispered 'Hmm... Looks like your wrist hadn't healed yet, does it hurt?' He sincerely asked.

Ugh! This guy is making me insane in many ways.

'I'm okay.' I replied 'I'm not done yet, you! You're not her man! So stop touching her, she's my client.'

'Ha... Stop talking! You realky have a death wish... May I ask what that is?' Rindiu was smirking at him as if he was teasing him. But Rindou is not that type of guy, if he really say something about "Die" he would literally shoot you or beat you to death. He's dangerous.

'Stop talking nonsense! And hand her to me!' The guy yelled, I'm sure everyone was enjoying the show. Is it fun?

'Do you know who I am?' Rindou asked 'Rindou... Don't reveal yourself here... Let's just leave and settle this up.' I whispered at him 'No. He harassed you and he should learn his fucking lesson.' Rindou said 'I don't know you or anyone here. So hand that woman if you don't want to die.' He said 'Oh, How disappointing... Everyone knows me, except you? I'm Rindou Haitani by the way, and the girl you are messing around was Y/n Hiiragi. And yes, you're messing with a Criminal here.' I didn't expect him revealing me also. Everyone was shocked when they heard his name.

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