Chapter 23

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•Blood Bath between the 3 Deties•


Y/n's pov:

I'm inside th ambulance... Some nurse were healing my Wound.

Haa.... It's still raining...

I couldn't feel any Emotions.

Draken is beside me, I couldn't even look at him... I keep thinking about what Takemitchi said. Saying I died in the future and he's from the future.

'Are you okay, ma'am?' One of the nurse asked me 'Do you think I'm okay? I'm beside of my dead friend! Are you stupid!?' This is the first time that I raised my voice on someone I don't know...

I didn't even mean about calling her stupid..

I couldn't resist but I just cried...

'Hanagaki!' Senju was calling out for Takemitchi, but takemitchi was kinda zoning out, but then he looked at Senju.

'W-what'll we do now?' Senju was trembling, her tone was also trembling 'Hanagaki...?'

'Huh? Ah what was it again?' Takemutchi finally talks.


'SENJU!' A familiar voice was calling for senju.

'Is it true the got Draken!?' Takeomi-san appears 'Takeomi..' Senju mumbled 'shit! How did it get into this?' He said.

'Huh? Y/n? What happened to you?' Takeomi-san asked, concernly. But I just looked down 'Don't tell me... You also got shot!? We have to repay Rokuhara tandai..' Takeomi-san's expression changed 'W-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TAKEOMI!?' Senju yelled 'Benkei!'

'Get everyone from Brahman, Now!' Takeomi said 'Yes!' Benkei replied.

'Takeomi! Are you crazy? We can't do it today!' Senju yelled 'huh!? Then when will we act!?' Takeomi-san yelled, asking why. 'I don't know why but we can't do it today!' Senju yelled back 'Si we're just gonna sit around doing nothing!? Draken just got killed!' Takeomi yelled back 'Listen here, Senju! It's not about being "Number-One" anymore from now onwards okay!?' IT'S BLOODBATH!' He added, shouting at Senju.

Seriously, I can't focus on this argument anymore... All I could think is Draken's death..


'Rokuhara ruined it!'


'Oi oi oi! Getting kinda lively here, eh?' This fuckin' bastard appears.

'South!' I head to South to give him a good punch but Senju stopped me. 'Y/N-CHAN! STOP!' Senju was pulling me, gripping onto my arms.

'L-LET GO!' I was trying my best to push her but she was gripping onto me way too Tight 'I... I SAID LET GO!' I burst into tears while I look at her.

I'm desperate to hurt south.. I want him to die! I want to kill him! It's his fault that... That draken died!

'Please.... I can't do anything anymore... I can't see anyone dying anymore! So let go! Just please....' I wipe my Tears as I saw Senju slowly Shoving her hands and let go of it.

I rushed to South to give him a slap. I can't Give him a punch that's so Hard since my shoulder was shot.

'You jerk! If you didn't exist! Thsi wouldn't happen! You! You should die instead!' I slapped him hard.

But he just laughs.

'Does it look funny to you!?' I asked, all my anger burst out. 'Yeah...' He replied.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now