Chapter 5

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•A new member?•

Y/n's Pov:

'I already said that I'm not into Gang right now. I wonder who sent me this letter. He said he's famous..... And also how come he knew that i once a member of black dragon?'


W-what should I do? I'm so Curious who's the one who sent me this.

I think I'll found out on my own....


I contacted the number that was inside the letter, I was still trembling because how it eas way too creepy that someone just sent me a letter and it was from an Unknown person.

I'm glad that I was not scammed by them, Someone answered the phone and we discussed about meeting tomorrow at 2 am.

Inside their hideout.

'Was it really necessary to meet outside your hideout? I mean you guys just won't do anything to me right?' I said.

'Don't worry. No one's interested to do something to you.' He coldly said.

'Fuck, that was harsh of you to say those words.' I said 'It's already dicided so I'll hang up now, Ms. Y/n.' He said and end the phone call..

'He literally talk to me like as if I was like a Peasant or somethin'.' I mumbled and went to my restroom to take a shower.

After I take a shower. I went to bed.

Of course I brush my fucking teeth!




'By the way, are you guys free today!?' Our chief asks 'Yes!' They said 'How 'bout you Y/n-san?' Sera asks 'e-eh? Me? Ah! No... I have plans later around 2 am.' I replied 'eh? Is it necessary to go that early?' She asks 'You should rest.' She added.

'ah.. Yeah. It's very important.' I said and smiled 'owiee... I see.' She said 'guess we'll just have to enjoy the Party on our own.' She frowned 'ah.. Maybe next time?' I said 'eh? Y/n? Why aren't you going to the party? It's Chief's Birthday today.' They said 'ah.. Sorry, but I already made a plans.' I responded 'I have to go. I'll leave early. See yah.' I said while I waved my hand.

'Hmmkay! Take care.' They said.

[Btw Yurina is Absent today since Her mother was hospitalized again, and she needed to look for her mother since her brother need to look for his coffee shop.]



It's still around... 9:28 pm, I should sleep for a while.

'I should also set an alarm.' I mumbled and get my phone.

I set the alarm around 1:10 am so that I can get ready.

'Wear something black, with hoodie is good but if you don't have any then wear a Cap. Make sure you wear a mask or something to cover your face.' -Unknown guy said.

'It's better if you tie your hair yif you have long or maybe not.'

'Ugh.. He's bossing me around.'

'Let me just get some sleep..'


[1:10 am]

*Alarm noise*

A-ah... I can't open my eyes.

'Is it 1'10 now?' I mumbled and slap myself to wake myself up.


I got up and ready myself.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now