Chapter 32 (End)

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March 14 |White day|

Author's point of view:

Y/n and Rindou was inside their Apartment, just cuddling while watching some movies. Y/n's head were on Rindou's lap while Rindou was playing with your hair, while watching movies.

'I'm bored.' You mumbled as you look Rindou's face 'Hmm?' He hummed asking you a Question 'Let's find something to watch..' You said 'Eh.... Yeah, this is boring let's watch Porn?' He smirked at you and squinted his eyes on you.

'Stupid, Let's watch in cinema.' You said and head to your room to change your clothes.


Rindou was waiting for you inside his car, His other arm were leaning on the Window while the other were just tapping the Handle.

You got inside his Car and Rindou directly Looked up and down on you, more like he is judging your clothes that you are wearing.

You wore a Black Adidas croptop (Long sleeves) and a Mom jeans.

'What?' You asked 'I thought you would wear a very revealing clothes for me.' He said 'For you? We are going out today and You want me to wear a Revealing clothes?' You chuckled 'But you look stunning.' He complimented that made you smile and blushed a little.

'You look stupid.' You replied.

'Why?' He asked.

Rindou was wearing a Red turtle neck with a
Black Coat, black jeans and a Black shoes.

+ Glasses.

'Just drive.' You said.

And he just chuckled, shaking his head.


'Are we just gonna let them recognize us?' You asked since you both don't have any mask or hoodie or any Disguise to cover yourselves.

'No one will know. And even if they recognize us they won't believe it since they can't see our tattoo's.' He smiled 'Yeah, right.' You said...


You both head inside the Cinema and watched "Fifty-shades-of-grey"

[Bruh, who would watch such thing in Cinema?]

'Pfftt... There's so much people.' [It's much but it's not full so which means there's lots of available seats or smth] You said 'I know right? They must've like sex scenes, they should've just watch porn inside their houses.' Rindou chuckled and you smavk his back 'Shh...' You said and shut Rindou's mouth. You guys Proceed to your seats and put your food on your lap.


'It's starting.' Rindoi mumbled 'Hmm.' You feed yourself a popcorn.



Bruh this is so funny.

While Rindou was paying attention to the sex scene you were just Hiding your eyes because it's so awkward to watch sex scenes where there's a lot of people watching it too.

Rindou then turn his direction to you, seeing you closing your eyes while you eat a popcorn. He chuckled and tap your shoulder gently.

You opened your eyes and saw Rindou smiling at you.

'W-what?' You asked  'It's the best scene, why arent you watching?' He asked tilting his head 'I don't wanna watch that.' You whispered 'What? You won't understand the Story if you don't watch these scenes.' He whispered back 'you were the one who picked this movie. I told you I wanna watch cartoons today.' You whispered yelled 'Oh you mean that Encanto? Or the Frozen?' He asked, chuckling 'Yes. I haven't seen that Encanto.' You sais 'Let's watch it at home.' He replied.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now