Chapter 16

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•Alisa Parker.•

[yes! I'm the one who drew the cover. That's Alisa Parker. I didn't had a chance to color it since I got lazy.]

Y/n's Pov:

'A-ahh.. You must be? R-rindou's girlfriend?' Alisa said, she seems so nice.

She have a mole on her left eye and have a lovely face, she looks innocent, Is she even a 25 years old? She looks young.

[Oh, have I already mention Rindou's age? Y/n and Rindou only have 1 year gap. Rindou is 25 here (if I mention that his age is 27 please let me know)]


We began to dig our food whne they've arrived.

I wanted to get the pasta, so I went and get but Alisa also want it so we both got bump by each other's Hand.

'Ah! I'm very sorry.' She said 'h-huh? I should be t-the one who should apologize.' I panicked a little 'y-you can get it first.' She said 't-thank you.'

How awkward.

Alisa want the piece of a boneless chicken, but she couldn't get it.

Then, I was about to get it but rindou already gave it to Alisa.

Yeah, make a move. Great. I look like a thirdwheeler here ahahaha. Fuck.

'You want some?' Rindou asked 'No. No thank you.' I don't want you to give me any food. I'll get it on my own you Bullshit.

'So... May I know your name, sweetheart?' Rindou's father asked 'It's Y/n. Y/n Hiiragi.' I said 'what a nice name for a girl like you, it really fits you.' He said 'T-thank you.' I was kinda flustered by that Mr. Haitani.

'I like your hair, Y/n.' Their mother smiled at me 'U-uh.. Thank you.'

'Alisa, I like your hairstyle today.' Their mother compliment her, oh gosh yeah.. she's the favorite. Just let me live a happy life please...

'T-thank you, Auntie.' She replied.

'How's your company going, Teresa?'


I felt like I don't existed here, They're keep on laughing and complimenting Alisa, I get that she's prettier than me, just let me leave, I want to head home now.


When the christmas came, we all have a toast together.



After that, I went outside for me to relax. I need air for today, It's suffocating here.

'I can't believe, I'm here even if I'm not rindou's real girlfriend...' I mumbled.

As I was walking to the pond, and in there I saw Rindou and Alisa talking.

I hid directly to the Bush and eavesdrop them.



'Can't you just think about breaking up with Thay guy?' His tone was so gentle but it's clearly he's angry.

'I-I can't....'

'You already have a girlfriend. Why cheat on her when she deserves all your love?' She said 'Just! I... Just don't talk about her. She's not my girlfriend okay?' He replied 'Rindou... I know.'

Rindou got shocked when Alisa said something.

'I like you, and I won't gonna lie... I wanted to say those words to you but... I can't marry a Criminal.' She said, her voice were trembling.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now