Chapter 8

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•Mission: Kill Rui Ruiji PART 1•

Y/n's POV:

2 Weeks later

'Y/n, Mikey-kun called you.' Sanzu said 'o-okay.' I said and followed him.


When I entered the room, Rinrin was also Standing there and so do Ran.

'So.. Everyone's here.' Mikey said.

'I've called you here to talk about your first duty, Y/n.' He coldly said 'a-a duty? Was buying a Dorayaki not my Duty?' I asked 'That was just a joke, you know.' Rinrin whispered.

'No. Your first duty is with Rindou, i'm also putting ran with you. And so do Sanzu.'

'So...? What is the mission we have to do?' I asked 'Killing.' He said.

That made me shock. I haven't done killing before, only punching and breaking their body.

It made me nervous to respond.

'Who is the person?' Ran asked with a serious tone.

I'm still shaking because of the word "Killing"

'Ray Ruiji.' He said 'A businessman who's been in our way all this time.' He said 'If you guys successfully kill him, Rob all his money, or any expensive stuff he have..' Mikey added.

'Y/n.' Mikey called me that made me awake.

'Y-yes?' I answered 'I heard you're good at hacking.' He said smirking at me 'Hacking?' They asked 'That's freaking cool.' Ran smiled 'Uh... How...?' I asked 'We've been checking you backgrounds.' He said 'And saw that you're good at hacking ever since you were in middle school, because of your Uncle who's A hacker.' He said 'It's great opportunity to hack some cctv's.' He added.

Fuck this is giving me chills.


No one knows about me being good at hacking and good at any subject.

When I was at middle school, I got interested on Hacking because of my Uncle who's a hacker. He use the hacking whenver he needs them. One time I saw my Uncle hacking a Computer. And I was so happy to see that. So my Uncle don't have any choice but to teach me because I asked him to.

But As I grow up I began to hack tons of people's device. I used it in a bad way. My uncle use it for a good way.

I used all of my Hacking skills to check on people's background. When I was still in a gang.


'Check what is the schedule of ruiji and check also where he is right now or where he'll go today.' —Mikey.


Timecheck: 1:36

'Are you okay Y/n?' Rindou asked 'A-ah sorry I spaced out a bit hehehe.' I said 'ah okay.' He replied 'So..? Where he is right now?' Ran asked 'Oh yeah. I'm still looking to it.' I said.

We're at my apartment right now.

'Your apartment is so big, but You lived alone right?' Rindou asked 'ah yeah.' I replied 'I once lived with a cousin in my apartment but when she got a job she said she'll move since her workplace was in Osaka.' I said 'ah..' They replied.

'Oh! I've found it.' I said 'oh? Really?' They said and look through my laptop.

'He's a Businessman from the Ruiji Family the 3rd Famous and wealthy people. He have a gang that he supported and that gang was Black Pillar [I can't think of any name] The copy of Black dragon...'

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