Chapter 11

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•The beginning of our Relationship•

'Y/n, Let's meet at the park.' He coldly said and hung it up after he say those words.

He's always like this, Hunging up after he talks...



It was a Cold winter.

I was sitting in the bench, Wearing a thick clothes in a cold weather, Waiting for Rindou.


A minute past Rindou Have arrived. I'be been waiting for almost an hour here. He was the one who asked me to meet with him but he arrived kinda late.

'Rindou-...?' I was shocked when I saw rindou having an Emotionless expression on his face.

'U-uh... A-are you okay?' I was hesitant for a second because of how his face was so emotionless...

Did something happen?

I wanted to ask those questiom but I can't because of how scary his face was, right now.

He sat besides me, I was clueless.

'R-rindou?' I asked again wanting to knkw the reason why he looked depressed.

He just stayed quiet for a minute and then he finally speak.

'Y/n.' He coldly called me 'Uh y-yes!?' I answered him like I was so nervous at an interview.

'Are you okay?' He asked, I was so shocked when he asked those question. Did he found out I cried over someone? Should I tell him? I just met him like 4 months ago.

We've been together with bobten doing criminal things.

For 4 months. But how come he looks like he knew me well.

'W-what do you mean?' I chuckled while I looked away from him, I can't look him in the eye since my eyes were in tears, but still not flowing.

'What do I mean?' He chuckled as he looked at the moon. 'You... Look depressed than I am right now.' He said smilinh (through pain) 'How...?' I asked wanting to know the answers 'I can see that.' He chuckled.

'T-to be honest... You might think I'm just selfish but.. I cried over someone becausd I saw him with someone he loves?' I said looking in his direction, as I was looking through his eyes.

There was tears in it.


'Why are you crying?' I asked 'Crying.... Hmm i'm crying.' He said with a smiled 'It was pain. It had so much pain.' He said wiping his tears away 'Have you ever felt that If you liked someone.. You wanted them to like you back and wanting them for your self?' I asked.

'Hmm.. Today?' He answered, I was too stunned to speak as I was listening to his story.

'I've been liking this girl, she was my childhood friend. My parents set up an Arranged marriage for us. Seems like I was the only one who's happy with that.' He said.

'She was sent in the US to study there. I've waited for almost 17 years for us to get ready to get married. But I wasn't expecting her saying that she likes someone and that person was not me. She said she can't love me and she's been trying so hard to love me but she really can't. She said those words earlier. She... She just came back here to say those fucking words? I was pissed off... Can I just kill that man? Ha.....' He said, laughing, sighing and in pain.

Have I ever thought someone who's criminal would ever be crying on girls...?

I wasn't expecting that.

'Oh.. Uh sorry about that.' I said biting my lower lips. I felt guilty for no reason.

'You. Y/n.. What happened today?' He asked looking at me.

'Huh? Me? U-uh... I've already told you the details-' I cutted my sentence when he suddenly lay his head on my Shoulders.

Put my head on my shoulders~~~~

That when I found that Rindou Haitani, was drunk. He was crying.

'O-okay.. I'll tell you then.'


'Kento-san was a gentleman. He was so gentle when talking to me and the others. He was so kind like an angel, he do respect all womens and all people here. I've fallen for him when I was still a delinquent.. I was doing bad stuffs while he was doing Good stuffs.

'He was older than me about 2 years, I've been liking him for no reason, I fall for him at our first unexpected meeting, should I sau that it looks like an Love at first sight? He was so kind and handsome. He was so like an angek to me.'

'But I.. Even though it was sk obvious that someone as handsome and a Kind man like him would be having a girlfriend. It hurts so much to see him kissing a girl on her forehead after work. I was hurt so much that I just..' I added.

'You can cry.' He said, still on my shoulders, tears began to flow on my cheeks without knowing.

'Huh...? I.. I'm sorry.' I panicked while I wiped my tears..



'Why did you called me to meet up?' I asked 'do you think I didn't saw you crying?' He chuckled.

'By the way Y/n.'

'Hmm? Yes?'


Author's point of view:

'Do me a favor. Pretend to be my girlfriend for three months and that's it. I'll let you go. No hard feelings.' He said while he looked at Y/n with his two eyes.

'W-what? *chuckles nervously* why tho?' Y/n asks, still don't understand the situation that They have here. An awkward conversation with him Joking like that, is not a joke that Y/n into.

'S-stop joking *chuckles nervously*' Y/n replied.

'Hmm. So you think i'm joking? I'm serious. Have a date with me for 3 months just pretend to be my girlfriend for 3 months and That's it.' He said with a serious tone that made Y/n really think that he's not Joking or anything.

'You just said it's a date, why three months? A date should be just a day.' Y/n replied.

'Hmm? Just pretend to be my girlfriend for three months. That's not that hard right?'

He said

'Oh.. Okay.'  Y/n replied.

'From now on you're my fake girlfriend for three months.'

He was about to leave.

'Oh. Yeah.. By the way. If one of us fall in love to their fake date. It's up to you if you confess or not. I don't want to force you.' He said.

'But, I think you're the first one to fall for me tho.' He mumbled.


This is where the story of "A fake (Toxic) Relationship."

To be continued....



A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now