Chapter 13

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I didn't talk to him for weeks. He kept on saying "Sorry" and I'm tired of it.

We're faking dating for 3 weeks now.

When I forgive him he became good at me.

He's kind.

Gentle. But still toxic. He want me to do something from him like Gamble, drug (Haven't tried it) and now he want to have sex with me.


'Yes?' I asked while I was looking a food at the backseat of his Tesla.

'Want to do It?' He said.

I was shocmed at first but I played it cool like I'm a really innocent woman.

'What is it?' I asked 'Let's do it.' He said 'huh? What "It"? Can you say it properly? I don't get your point.' I said 'Let's have sex.' He smirked while he was driving his tesla.

'WHAT!!?' I Yelled 'What the fuck? We're not even dating each other, for real.' I whispered at him, he just laughs 'So what?' He said.

'It's not funny talking like that with a girl. Are you that horny right now? You need therapy.' I chuckle 'Oh geez, you're killing the fun.' He said.

'It's evening right now, no one will know. Wait let me park here.' He said and park somewhere, where there's no light.

'H-hey. I didn't agree with this, rinrin.' I said nervously. 'You're still virgin right? Let me be your first.' He smirked while he took his suit off 'Ha... No. You wouldn't be my first sorry.' I replied 'Huh? Why though? You want someone who's not good to be your first? That's boring for sure.' He said 'ugh... I don't wanna do it. We're not even dating like dating! For real.' I said 'Who cares?' He said 'Let's do it.' He begged 'W-wut?'


'Ugh... Fine! Fine! But I don't want to have a baby okay!? I still wanna get married with someone I like and have family with him! So... Um... Y-you have Condom?' I whispered 'Yeah.. I have condoms..' He whispered back seductively. That made me embarrassed.

C-condoms!? D-don't tell me!


(Warning: I'm not good okay!? So i'm so sorry XD this is embarrassing since this is my first time making this.)


'Remove your accessories.' He said while he began to strip.

Ugh.. T-this is embarrassing...

'Yeah.' I replied and removed my ring and my necklace.

'Ah. Can I-'   

'You can leave the earrings, that's not gonna get in the way.' He said.

'Now strip. I'm impatient.' He said.

He's Half naked now, while me, still hesitating to strip.

I'm still not ready.... What should I do..?

'Strip. What are you doing?' He asked 'Ah.. Can we just do it when I'm-'

'Too late.' He smirked and began to strip me.

Fuck! He's really Impatient!

'W-wait! I'm still not ready.'

'Ha... Your body is hot.' He smirked seductively. While he shoved brush his hair with his hand, to the back of it.

He is touching my body slowly from neck to my chest.

'H-hey.. That tickles.' I said 'Tsk. Your face showing liks you're saying "Put it already" *chuckles* you're quite cute when you're embarrassed.' He smirked.

A Fake (Toxic) Relationship🍋 •|| Rindou. H ||• (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now