Chapter 27

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Author's Point of view:

Y/n and Rindou were in their Living room. Y/n was just watching some movies on Netflix (Finally Rindou installed a Netflix for Y/n) and Rindou was just reading some News paper with his Glasses on as he was just sitting beside Y/n. Y/n's Head were on Rindou's Lap.

'A-achoo!' Rindou was startled when he hears you Sneeze 'Are you okay?' He asked sincerely 'Hmm? Ah.. You mean Am I okay? Yes.' Y/n responded quickly 'Are you sick?' He asked as he squinted his eyes on you, closing the newspaper 'Huh? No, I'm not. I just sneezed and that's it. You are being way too Worried. I'll head in the Kitchen to get some nutella.'

Y/n head to the Kitchen to look for Nutella since she was craving some.

As you were looking to the Drawer wherein you put the nutella you just bought 2 weeks ago. You saw nothing but some other snacks, there's no Nutella in there.

'RINDOU! Where's my Nutella!?' Y/n shouted as she was stamping, approaching Rindou 'H-huh? Didn't you just finished the Nutella you bought 2 weeks ago, yesterday?' He replied 'Don't ask me that. I want my Nutella.' You said, coldly 'Calm down, geez. Here.' He passes you his Car keys.

'What? You are insane. Are you expecting me to buy a nutella? Me? Gonna go outside and buy a Fucking Nutella!? It's snowing outside!' Y/n yelled, she is angry. For sure.

'Then what do you want me to do? Ask Koko to buy you the Nutella company and send tons of Nutella? Or maybe steal? Geez.' He replied. You grab the car keys, aggressively and storm to your room to get your Jacket/coat.

This man is definitely don't have any brain! Can't he just read the Situation right now!? Ugh! Stupid jerk.

You head outside as Rindou was watching you go out, while you are giving him a Bad finger. Sticking your motherfucking Tongue.

You then head to his car and drove off.

Y/n's Pov:

I went to the mall to buy some fucking Nutella even though it's Snowing so hard and It's so fucking cold and It's already Around 9 pm.

Ugh that motherfucker! Fuck you Rindou.

I went to where i'm gonna buy some Nutella.


I bought 20 Nutella (220g) and 7 bucket Nutella's.

Yes, I might die because of diabetes.

I also bought Some Gifts for my Family. (I plan on visiting them.)

After that I went to visit my Family.


*ding dong*

'Who is it- Ara! Mom!! Y/n-neechan came to visit us! Come inside Onee-chan!' Kakeru grab the things that I'm holding (Their Gifts)

'Arigatou, Kakeru.' I said, thanking him. This dude literally love his Sistuh.

'Ara, I'm glad you came to Visit us. It's been like 4 months, the last time you visited us.' Mom approached me and gaved me a hug so do my dad.

'Hmm.. Yeah it's been awhile. Oh yeah! I bought some gifts for you guys.' I said and signal Kakeru to give me the Paper bags.

'Eh? Onee-chan!!!' A familiar voice coming on the Front door.

'Aika-chan! Where were you?' I asked but in a cute tone 'hmm? I went outside with Akira-neechan to play on a Snow!' She said
'Oh..' I replied 'But where is she?' I added, asking her 'She said I should head first. We were together when we went upstairs, but then some guys said that they were Onee-chan's friend came here. Onee-chan said that she'll hang out with them and that I should head first here.' She replied.

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