Chapter One - From the last.

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Welcome to Book Two of Abigail and Ross' story. I'm bursting at the seems to get going so I shall hold you back no longer.

I stood out on the cliffs with Henry in my arms. It had been a few days since Ross had been taken away and accused of murder.

"Papa, Jonathan, I pray that you watch over him and keep him safe." I whisper into the wind as my eyes closed. Henry lay his head down on my shoulder which caused my eyes to open then kiss his head. "Let's go home, my sweet one." I turned and made the journey home.

That night I put Henry to bed and covered his sleeping innocent self  with the blankets. I daren't look at his brothers bed yet, my heart was broken but I could not break, not for Henry. Right now I was all he had.

"Sleep well my little one. Grandpapa and your brother will protect your dreams." I kissed his head. The door to the nursery opened and in stepped a weary Ross.

"Ross." I beamed jumping up to hug him "You're home. I knew they couldn't keep you there. I knew it. They dismissed all the charges right?" I pulled away but still held onto him.

"Not quite." he answered "I'm to be tried by Justice Lister   at Bodmin Assizes in five days time. I must present myself at the Jail the night before." my stomach dropped on hearing the news as I embraced him once again

"How did it ever come to this?" I whispered

"George?" he pulled away and rested a hand on my cheek "This entire thing is nonsense. I'll be back before you'll ever known I'm gone." there was a small sneeze and we looked back as Henry woke up for a moment then fell asleep again. Ross moved and sat next to him on his bed stroking the angelic face of the surviving twin.


The next day, Ross and I walking across the cliff shoreline. Demelza had offered to watch Henry so that the two of us may walk together and I hesitantly agreed.

"There's a storm coming." Ross declared

"The boys fear the Thunder, Jonathan would be beside himself." I commented and I stopped "It's hard, to know that one is here and one is not when they've always been together. I sometimes think Jonathan is right next to Henry and then I remember. But I daren't cry, I dare not break because Henry is still here and he needs me, he needs us." Ross wiped away my tears.

"I tell myself that everyday. You and Henry are all that keeps me going. That I have to remind myself that even though we lost Jonathan you and Henry survived." he admitted which eased my feelings to know he felt the same as I.

"We must turn our thoughts to the trial." I cleared my throat. Ross groaned in annoyance

"Must we?"

"It is no small matter. You are not facing one of those good for nothing magistrates. It will be a jury of peers and a judge, a full on trial. If your found guilty..." I trail off

"They cannot hang me. I have too much to do." he shook his head

"Really Ross." I huffed now a little frustrated by how he was not taking this seriously.

"Really, Abigail, I decline to be distracted by matters beyond my control. Give me leave to attend on something I can influence" he turned towards Wheel Leisure. I sighed as he took my hand and headed that way.

"Gentlemen. I leave for Bodmin in two day. What are you waiting for?" he asks the men once we arrive

"No doubt you aim to strike a new lode before you go." Zacky lightly jested

"A couple at least, so let's get down there." Ross replied as Zacky joined my side heading for the entrance

"New lode? He'll be lucky." Zacky commented

"I doubt luck will have anything to do with it. Denial and Determination will." I retorted

"The old Trebartha lodes near petered out, but he won't have it." Zack informed me and I nodded in agreement.

"no more than he'll have this trial. To hear him, you'd thing he'd be heading to the travelling circus." I saw Dwight and headed over "Dwight." I chime.

"He cannot just bury his head." he stated concerned

"You tell him that then, he refused to hear it from me, even when it's upon him. How will he defend himself? Who will speak for him?" I questioned frustrated

"I will and if you can, many others. The crown will have already assembled it's case"  Dwight replied

"And no doubt there will be many attempt to help it or the Warleggan's will at least try." I sigh as I watch Ross make his way into the mine.

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