Chapter Nine - Allies for the defence

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"It's no exaggeration to suggest that what we have here is revolutionary. Self serving, contemptuous of his class, careless of others property. Of all the crimes committed that night, this man was the instigator and chief perpetrator. It is not within my scope to call to attention the previous acts of lawlessness that have marred the accused character."

"Objection!" Ross's lawyer called

"Confine yourself to the present allegations, Mr Bull." Judge Lister declared

"But it is relevant to draw conclusions from statements made by the accused  at the time of his arrest. Statements purporting to explain his action, justify them, and which brand him an obvious admirer of the bloodshed and tyranny in France!" I felt the tears began to rise "Asked if he encouraged the riot which broke out on the beach: I did not consider it a riot. Asked if he approved of plunder and lawlessness: Do you approve of whole families being without sufficient food to keep them alive? Asked what part he played in the death of Matthew Sanson: Regrettably none what so ever" Ross glanced back at me as i wiped away my tears

"If you have ever heard a more damning indictment from a prisoners own mouth. I would frankly be amazed. Such a man is a danger to us all. The country and Justice itself deserves the severest penalty. The crown rests its case." there was cheers and I turned to my cousin.

"Witnesses for the defence?" I asked

"Are there any?"

"Call Dwight Enys!" Dwight stood from his seat and made his way up to the stand

"My lord, I am the physical who attention Captain Poldarks family, more specifically his wife and his eldest twin son during their attack of the putrid throat. At that time I was constantly in the house and can testify that Captain Poldark had no sleep for almost a week. One of his twin sons died and was buried but a few days before the wreck. On the day itself...I formed the opinion that he had suffered a mental breakdown. I consider that any strangeness in his actions should almost entirely be attributed to that." The  lawyer  for the prosecution stood

"Your an apothecary ?" he asked

"A physical, sir. A former attendant  of the London College of Physicians and a Cornishman by birth." Dwight answered

"And an expert on mental afflictions?"

"I did not say so."

"Then your views on the matter can hardly be expected to carry much weight." the lawyer countered trying to denounce our friend.

"I believe they can sir. In my view, Captain Poldark was, temporarily through grief and lack of sleep not himself." Dwight answered

"Do you consider that anyone who loses a child and a few nights sleep is justified in creating a riot?"

"I do not believe that he created a riot." 

"We require your opinion as a physician, sir, not as a friend and drinking companion."

"I speak purely as a physician and base my clinical observation. Captain Poldark was unsteady on his feet and disordered in his remarks." Dwight defended

"Perhaps he was drunk?"

"He hadn't touched a drop in days. My lord, when one of his infant sons died , a great many people attended the funeral. All of society from highest to low. He's held in very great esteem. But with his wife ill, practically close to death, it was impossible to give them refreshment. It weighed heavy on his mind." Dwight recalled what happened.

"And I suggest to you that he did provide for them. In rousing the rabble and leading them to the wreck, he assuaged his conscience and filled his larder with pillaged goods." the rabble was in uproar.

"That was not my meaning behind it, sir!" Dwight denied

"Thank you, sir. You paint a very clear picture of the prisoners state of mind." Dwight was dismissed and the rabble was removed finally.

"Call Demelza Carne." I frowned i didn't know Demelza was here. Ross looked confused as well as the well dressed redhead came forward and handed me Henry before taking the stand. Demelza spoke before the prosecution could ask her anything.

"My Lord. I am maid, cook and general worker of Nampara house. Captain Ross, is the kind man who took me and my friend in from the cold and unruly nights of the red lion where my friend, now my Mistress was working. You see sirs, my father, the godly man that dared to interrupted proceedings was not always that man. He was a cruel, horrible father who beat me senseless for no reason." she began

"Himself knew Mistress Abigail  from his time as a younger man. Well when he saw that she was now working as a barmaid to escape her horrible stepmother. He couldn't have it. He employed her and was kind enough to take me in to, though he knew naught of me and only went on the word of Mistress Abigail.

The night of the shipwreck was a sorry night indeed, Master Jonathan buried not long before. Mistress Abigail silent in bed with the putrid throat lingering uncomfortably close to death. He was a wretched sight. Sirs, mi Lord. The prosecution would have you believe that this man is a horrible man. I swear on my life and everything this court of justice holds dear, Tis not true. Ross Poldark is selfless, others health comes before his every time. Their happiness he will put above his on on many occasion I have witnessed.

He is so sure to help people that when he cannot, its like all purpose is gone. You add the fact that he was facing a life without the woman he loves and a son already lost, only to possibly raise his surviving boy. Well... what is a person to do. He had to do something, he couldn't help his wife or his sons, he couldn't help the starving people. Should you come to Nampara and meet his people. You are not to meet any more loyal or kinder folk. He gives his best and in return we give him ours. Not out of fear but of love and care.

I know I am woman, a cook or a scullery maid and you may have your assumptions about me, like most do. But I am a truthful in my words. What you decide today I hope is the right choice and your own not the poison that has been dripped into your ear with the ones with money, power and a grudge  to do so." Everyone in the room was left in shock, so much show the prosecution  said nothing as Demelza left the stand sparing a smile to Ross as she took her seat.

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