Chapter Twenty Seven - Admiration

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That night when the children had been put to bed, I made a bath for a grubby Ross and sat by him.

"I quite admire Francis these days." I comment.


"Well, he's not as handsome as some, nor as daring, but he has grown this wisdom and freeness of himself as he values his own skin." I squeezed the sponge as the warm water ran over Ross' head "He'll live longer on that account ." I continued as I washed him down.

"Do i not have wisdom?"

"Depends, can you tell if a man is a traitor to his friends or not? Or maybe I am your wisdom." I grin

"Maybe you should have married Francis." he grumbled

"He's a good man. He has things you lack, a better sense in hour being one of them." he chuckled " Though you have things he lacks, myself being one of them. Put the two of you together and that I think would make a whole man."

"Do I leave so much to be desired?" he inquires leaning up to kiss me which I happily give

"Yes, my love. A lot to be desired"


-3rd Person-

Ross awoke early the next morning because he had to be at the mine. To not have her wake alone he carried a sleeping Henry and Rebekah. Henry awoke as his father laid him down.

"Shhhh." he placed his finger at his lips. "I have to leave early. Be good." he nodded sleepy and closed his eyes again. Ross took his leave and went to meet with Francis. When Abigail woke up a hour later she smiled and pulled her children closer only to fall back asleep again.


All occupants were now raisin at Nampara. Abigail to Henry and Rebekah to collect from eggs from the chickens and milk from the goats.

"Unca Dwight"! Henry cheered seeing the young Dr upon his horse. He came to a stop in front of the gardens and tipped his hat.

"You're in haste." Abigail commented

"I have a rendezvous." Dwight informed her causing Abigail to break out in a broad smile.

"With Caroline?" she questioned playfully

"Don't excite yourself. It'll come to nothing. We could not be less suited. She is a heiress and I'm..." he trailed off

"As low as a barmaid turn kitchen maid? Cannot a woman confer status as well as a man?" she asked

"You were born a lady, Abigail despite your previous occupations before marrying. Ross knows he was entirely the winner in that transaction." She laughed shaking her head. Dwight rode off but was quickly replied by a messenger handing a note off to Abigail.


"Thank you." he rode off


I saw the note was for Ross and marked urgent. I brought the children back inside then took a horse down to the mine.

"Paul.  Can you get Ross, it's urgent." I ask

"Yes, Ma'am." he ran off and went down the mine. Minutes later he returned with Ross and I handed him the note.

"This came for you." I handed it over, he opened it up.

"It's from Pascoe. I'm wanted in Truro." he announces

"Is it bad news?" I ask

"I'll know more when I see him." he kissed my cheek and walked away. I sighed as I returned home.


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