Chapter Twenty Two - New Arrival

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I pushed the boat out to barks from Garrick and got inside. The waters were calm and decent as always for fishing. I rowed myself out to my usual spot and threw the line over with some bait. It wasn't long till I caught my first one. Numerous times I hooked line and tinkered fish but something changed on this journey. I felt pains in my stomach, I hope these were just non serious pains, the ones that told me it would soon be time.

I pulled another fish up from the waters and debated on whether to return. mere moments in thought and I concluded that I would fill the basket which and return home which shouldn't be long hopefully. My child had other idea's, I winced in pains, these were birthing pains, not practice ones.

"Oh you are your Papa's child. Inheritance of poor judgement in timing. Time to go home." I shakily grabbed the oars and took deep breaths though it didn't help much as I struggled to get back to shore I got closer despite the pain and the growing waves. I cried out in pain once more.

"Give me the oars, Abigail!" I heard Ross shout.

"I can manage on my own!" I yell. Bossy asshole, think he can tell me what to do, I wasn't having it.

"Give me the oars!" he demanded trudging through the water to get to me. He reached my side

"You are the most stubborn." he took one ore and threw it asked "Pigheaded..."

"Fuck you..." I screamed in pain.

"Where would you be if I hadn't come along?!" he bellowed over the crashing waves

"Oh you're one to talk. Where would you be if I hadn't come along. Drinking, brawling dodging the noose while pining after my sister." I clutched onto my stomach

"Let's examine my failings another time, shall we?" he grabbed ahold of me and pulled me from the boat into his arms

"Ah, shit." I tried to free myself

"Stop wriggling."

"Your an arsehole." I shoved him as he carried me ashore and most likely home.

"You're infuriating."

"I could swing for you."

"By all means. Once you've deliver our child." He carried me home and laid me in bed as I was fully ready to push. Dfmlza, Prudie and Jinny made quick work of readying everything. Dwight was summoned as well. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I pushed this baby out of me. Little screams filled the air and I relaxed finally being done.

"About time." I groaned. My head hitting the pillow in exhaustion.

"You have a daughter." my head lolled to the side at Dwight's words. He grinned as he looked over "A healthy daughter."

"Just the one correct? I don't think I can do it a second time." I groaned

"Just the one." I thanked the stars above as I was helped to sit up  before being handed my little girl. My daughter and I were cleaned up before Dwight told Ross who came up with Henry.

"Henry, say hello to your baby sister." I coo. He knelt on the bed beside me as he bored at the little face in the bucked of linen. "Just like he asked for." I chimed

"What shall we name her?" Ross whispered stroking her cheek

"Rebekah Grace." I stated "After our mothers." Ross nodded approvingly and I carefully handed her over to her Papa as I wrapped Henry up in my arms


Soon the entire family gathered for Rebekah Grace's christening. At my request Francis  and Elizabeth were Godparents. Even Verity and Andrew were welcome with open arms in a non detest way by Francis. Now all of us stood outside Wheal Grace as it was being prepared to be a working mine once more.

"Wheal Grace. I never thought I'd see the day." I comment proudly

"Nor I." Verity agreed

"Nor any of us." Andrew added. Jinny brought over some  ale and we all took a cup.

"To the Poldarks." Ross toasted

"To wheal Grace!" Frances added

"The Poldarks and Wheal Grace!" we all chimed clinking in celebration. I held my gaze upon my sister though. I had come to the conclusion that though I loved her, I would always have to keep an eye on her. There was no two ways about it. Yes I had Ross and he loved me, but my insecurities would never allow me to be in a false sense of security. If her whim chose she could blow the wind and change everything. I had to trust that my husband would never change with it as well.

"Shall we go take a look around?" Francis offered to his wife who agreed. Our group dispersed leaving our family of four

"My father named this mine, after my mother." Ross smiled

"He did love her." I comment

"He did." Ross agreed

"Yet, Papa used to say he was a wastrel." I smirk making him chuckle "Probably say the same thing about you though."

"Well what my father and I have in common is we have someone to keep us stead. We set our course by them." he turned and gazed into my eyes

"Like the North Star." I state

"Like the North star. But I have no need for it. The North Star is not the brightest in the sky." he informed me

"Well, what is Mr Poldark?" I question

"The dog star." he stated "Which is fitting since I found my star in a dog fight." he grinned

"You do know I would have one that fight without your help right." I adjusted my hold on Rebekah while Henry held to his Papa's coat.

"Of course you would." he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head

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