Chapter Forty Nine - Heart Ripped out

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The next morning I woke with the most raging headache of all time. I dragged myself out of bed and looked at my self rugged self through the mirror. I cleaned myself up and headed myself to leave.

"Sir Hugh, I hate to leave so early but I must attend my children." I say

"Nonsense, you must have some breakfast it is the least I could do after..." I held my gloved hand up

"We shall hear none of that. I pray that you send my luggage ahead of me back to Nampara. I do have to make a stop first Good day to you, sir." I curtsy and take my leave. I wanted to get back to the children yet I felt the need to take the long walk home and across the beach, so I could be more clear headed. I removed my shoes as I strolled down the beach. My hair rippled in waves as the wind hit it at the right spot.

"Abigail." I heard Ross and turned around.

"Oh, how nice of you to join me. Did you have a pleasant time at Trenwith." I stumbled slightly, clearly I was still drunk to some degree. I'm glad I made it this far.

"I told you; I went to Truro to meet Richard Tonkin." I rolled my eyes

"Whatever you say, Ross. I'm to intoxicated to give an actual fuck. Go and live with her if you want." I grumble walking on ahead.

"It's quite possible her marriage will still go ahead." he told me

"I'm sure you gave it your absolute best, Captain." I mock saluted then tripped "Ah shit." I groaned. Ross tried to help me up.

"Hands off. Ugh men." I pushed myself up and carried on. "So, does she love George?"

"No, she does not. Abigail." He ran out in front of me and made me stop "I cannot blame you for your anger but if you could bide a while, have a little patience."


"this thing will play itself out. Sooner or later." I stared at him

"Patience, I will show you patience." I ran off and back up to the top of the cliff, he followed to keep up with me as I made my way to the edge of the cliff.

"Patience while I make my decision of one more..."

"No, Abigail." He yells hiding out his arms begin me silently not to do it.

"It hurts doesn't it! The uncertainty, the dread, the guilt and insecurity that you didn't know was so rife.!" I shout over the blowing wind "You expect me to twiddle my thumbs and wait like the good little girl until you decide whether or not you want me. When are you going to get it. You're not in control! You have no right!" I scream as I watch the fear in his eyes.

"It's not a question of wanting you. It's a question of not wanting her."

"Do you not want her?!" I questioned

"No" he replied "I don't know. Sometimes."

"I am not some consolation prize. I know my worth and it is not this." I stepped away he visibly relaxed as I walked past him

"You're not a consolation prize." He called

"Have you not made me so?"  I retort as I stopped to put my shoes back on

"Why am I here, Abigail? Why do you suppose I'm still here?" He asked standing infant of me more desperate than ever.

"Pick one of the many reasons. To torment me further? Because Elizabeth cannot make up her mind?" I suggest

"No." he denied

"Elizabeth does not want you. I mean she's had you and now she's bored already because she knows despite how insufferable he is, George is the better bet?" I sneer and carry on my way.

"I came here with good news! I came here to tell you that Blewitt can repay the money I lent him. We can reopen Grace!" I didn't reply


That weekend Elizabeth married George as the children, Demelza and I had a picnic.  That night I brought the children in to say goodnight to Ross. Rebekah Grace hugged and received a kiss. Henry just stood in front of him.

"Goodnight, Papa."  he stepped away and I crouched down as he came over "Goodnight Mama." he kissed my cheek. and wrapped his arms around me.

"Goodnight my sweet."  i stood back up and went to join his sister.

"He knows something is wrong. He is becoming old enough to know something is amiss. Though they must wonder why I sleep here now." he commented as he unbuttoned his vest.

"Maybe you should tell them." I say

"That you don't wish to have me near you?" he retorted looking up at me

"Or that you now find me distasteful and favour the delicate charms of their 'Aunt Elizabeth'." I counter then leave the library


Wheal Grace was reopen again and the people were happy to resume their work. As I stood on the cliff top a safe distance from the edge I glance down the letter I received before tucking it into the pocket of my dress. Returning home I sewed together a new dress for Rebekah Grace, i was almost finished when Ross practically came skipping through the door.

"I have something to tell you." he joyfully began and I glanced up "We've reached the tin lode that was buried. We've been working on it for some days and today the lode split. One half is twice the size of the old lode." he chuckled in delight.

"Henshaw says he's never seen such a richer ground." I carried on sewing "Abigail. Do you understand what this means. I will be able to pay back the interest on the loan." he sat down next to me. " more than that. Soon we'll be in a more comfortable position more than when I first returned." he stressed

"I'm glad for you, Ross." I say softly

"For us. Do you not see how this changes things. It will mean more than survival, but a good living and wealth."

"After so long the very thing we hoped for. Now it's here." he took a hold of my arms gently

"Has it come to late? Abigail."

"Mama! Mama! Come look!" Henry called. I stopped sewing and stood up finding Henry at the harpsichord, when he noticed my arrival he began to play the broken parts of the song.

"Well done, my sweet. I'm so proud of you" I kiss head head and he beams up at me.

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