Chapter Twelve - Unwelcome guest

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I sat in the parlour with Captain McNeil as Prudie poured us a couple of glasses of rum, glancing wearily at the Captain.

"Cap'n Ross 'll be 'one soon. I ba" Prudie commented handing us our glasses

"I hope so, seeing as Captain McNeil has called especially to see him." I retorted the the older woman who gave a humph in response before leaving us. The Captain and I clinked glasses

"Your Health Ma'am." I gave a cautions smile and had my rum. "In truth Ma'am it was also you I came to see. On account of your skill at cow doctoring."

"I have no such skill, sir." I replied confused to who would have said any different

"Sir Hugh Bodrugan has heard different. His Prize cow Sheba is sick. He's esteem it the greatest of favours if you'd cast your eye over the beast and describe a remedy. He asked for you particularly." Captain McNeil explained

"I don't doubt it." I comment

"May I tell him that he need not hope in vain?" he wondered but before I could answer Ross returned from town.

"Captain McNeil?"

"An ambush, sir! Caught off guard and in possession of the field!" Captain McNeil jested rising to his feet to greet my husband, the two shook hands, though Ross didn't seem as please as his counter Captain was.

"How are you, sir?" Ross asked "On manoeuvres here about?"

"Quartered with Sir Hugh at Werry house. Which I'm attempting to lure your wife." Ross gave a apprehensive chuckle.

"To what end?" Ross inquired

"Sir Hugh thinks I have the skill to attend to his sick cow, though I have said I have no such skill." I informed him

"Can I persuade you to lend your wife to such a cause?" Captain McNeil asked

"Abigail has a mind of her own, sir, but since she has a social fondness for Sir Hugh, no doubt she'll be over directly. If you'll excuse me, I have mine figures to attend to." Ross made his leave to his study. Captain McNeil looked back to me.

"Please, inform Sir Hugh that I will send a note when I'm free to attend and see what I can do." I spoke. Captain McNeil bowed

"A pleasure as always, Ma'am." I offered my hand and he kissed it before taking his leave. I blew out a sigh of relief, the turned my frustration in the direction of my husband. I pushed open the door of the study.

"Did you misplace your manners somewhere? Leaving me alone to attend upon our guest?" I scowled as he didn't look up but continued with his work.

"You seem to be handling him admirably. I felt like and intruder." he remarked


"Abigail, do you really supposed he wants you to cure Bodrugan's cow. He makes his intentions very plain." Ross replied finally looking up.

"You think I don't see that?" I folded my arms in annoyance

"You may do so, just be careful his uniform doesn't dazzle you. It has that effect on some people."

"Well it doesn't on me. If anything it puts me at unease because at any moment they might come to arrest you again. Not that you see that do you." he dropped his quill

"I'm sure i didn't start this argument." he sighs

"You never do, you give me sour looks and a cold shoulder and judge me when your the one who causes the most trouble. I have no happy contentment when a man in uniform shows up, especially if it Captain McNeil because that means he on a mission on behalf of someone and it is never good!" i yell "But go ahead fill your head with self made illusions, you seems to be quite good at it." I storm out of the study and out of the house. I stalked through the woods and ended up bumping into my sister.

"Abigail." she greeted  "Are you well?"

"I'm fine" i grumbled "I just needed some air. She nodded in understanding.

"Is Ross recovered from the trial?" She inquired.

"He rarely speaks of it." I answer. Though right now I would rather just clear my head and calm down.

"How about your news? The child? Is he pleased?" my shoulders sag at the mention of the babe I now carry.

"Not exactly." i look down

"You haven't told him, Abigail." she took my hands in hers

"He does not wish for another right now. And any time I have the courage to say that its to late. He's off doing something and I never speak up. Ever since Jonathan, he hasn't the heart for it. Not that you would think so on the odd occasion he's with Henry." i explain feeling myself become more at ease. Only the women now knew of my pregnancy and the one who should know is a brick wall that I can't seem to break these days.

"We're to blame."

"No, I don't believe that Elizabeth. It was a cruel twist of fate but I don't blame you." I assure her.

"It's good of you to say so. But the fact that there's still discord between our families." she pointed out and I nodded in agreement.

"There is. Though as much as I want peace it will not lightly be set aside. By Ross at any least." I reply giving her a quick smile and continuing on my walk. When I arrived home Ross had already left and in his stead Henry needed my attention.

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